SaySomethingin German

I think there’s both: ‘ich bin zu frieden damit wie viel ich schon gelernt habe’ and 'ich bin zu frieden wie viel ich schon gelernt habe. Are both OK? :thinking:

And there are two prompts for ‘ich bin zufrieden’ - ‘I’m very happy’, and ‘I’m very satisfied’.

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Yes, the sentence is fine with or without “damit”. Keeping “damit” in is more correct, but in casual speech it is definitely okay without.

Well, “zufrieden” is the closest match to “satisfied”, and “happy” would normally match to “froh” or “glücklich”, but there may be cases where you’d use “happy” in English, but it would maybe sound awkward or overly enthusiastic in German, so “zufrieden” is kind of a good compromise for both.
(For example in the sentence “The boss was happy with my design.” I would say “Der Chef war zufrieden mit meinem Design.”)


Neither the male nor female pronunciations of ‘das wäre sehr’ are quite right.

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When the male voice says ‘danke’ on its own he adds an ‘uh’ before it.
And for ‘wie magst du’ he says ‘wie magst am’.

Is there an ‘es’ missing in…‘wie ist deiner Kaffe? Ist fertig?’ Should it be ‘ist es fertig?’
And one of the English prompts for ‘can I have something to drink please’ goes something like ‘can I have…can I have something to drink please’ a bit like a record jumping. :rofl:
The English for ‘what would you like’ also jumps.

Close. It should be Wie ist dein Kaffee? Ist er fertig?
(It’s der Kaffee, so the pronoun has to match that.)

Yes, sorry it was ‘dein Kaffee’!

For the prompt ‘would you like more’, the female voice just says ‘möchtest du’ while the male one is ‘möchtest du noch’.

And for ‘ein Glas bitte’ the female voice doesn’t pronounce ‘bitte’.

And for ‘wasser’ on its own the male voice says ‘wasserte’.

Not sure about the English prompt ‘a glass water’ - ‘a glass of water’ would be better.

The first English prompts for ‘would be good’ and ‘with’ jump and the female voice is unintelligible for ‘would be good’ and both voices are gobbledegook for ‘with’ and they both add some freestyle mutterings to ‘jetzt mit’.

Is ‘etwas trinken’ OK, without the ‘zu’ - ‘etwas zu trinken’? There are both of these.

Both exist, but depending on context it varies which is correct – I can’t think of a situation where you could use both.
Compare: I’d like to have something to drink → Ich möchte gern etwas zu trinken haben.
I’d like to drink something → Ich möchte gern etwas trinken.


I’m not sure about the contexts, so its possibly one that Kai will need to check.

And is this OK for ‘How about a big glass of water’?

Nope, that is not correct. Correct would be Wie wäre es mit einem großen Glas Wasser? (Literally “How would it be with a big glass of water?”)
As it is, the German translates back to “Like a big glass of water?” (Not the verb “to like”, the comparative “like”, as in Madonna’s song “Like a virgin”)


This will be nonsense as well then, I think:
‘how about a big glass of water would be good’

And probably this as well:
What would now? Was möchtest jetzt?’

Yes, those two are quite nonsensical (but then again both don’t really make sense in English either).

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One of the male utterances of ‘das ist nicht’ is gobbledegook, and also ‘nicht gerade’.

And the female voice sometimes doesn’t pronounce ‘Jane’s’ correctly.

The English prompt ‘How that is’ is repeated: How that is How that is’, and the prompt ‘with you sir’ also jumps so its repeated.

There’s a couple pf prompts for ‘how feel’ and ‘how feel you’ that might bet better as ‘how do you feel’.

And there are some sentences that end with ‘how’/‘wie’ - while I think this works for fragments ending ‘and’ and ‘but’. I’m not sure this works for ‘how’ :thinking:

This has come up with a prompt: I’m trying to think after :thinking:
Should it be ‘i’m trying to think about’?

And this one as: I’m trying to think but not much’

Nicht sehr or nicht viel? Or is it all nonsensical?

And is this correct: Where is her bag again? = Wo ist ihre Tasche wieder?

The male pronunciation of ‘you (formal)’ = ‘Ihnen’ sound more like ‘ihn’

This follows a prompt for 'What would more? I don’t think either language makes sense:

These are mostly fine… “to think” can be “denken” or “nachdenken”, the latter being more along the lines of “to think about something”, but it also works on its own. Compare: “I think this is a good idea” → Ich denke das ist eine gute Idee
“I need to think.” → Ich muss nachdenken.

“Ich versuche nachzudenken, aber nicht sehr” works. “Nicht viel” would also be okay.

“Where is her bag again?” is okay as “Wo ist ihre Tasche wieder?” – I probably would say something else, but it doesn’t strike me as odd.

Pronouncing “Ihnen” as if it were “ihn” is something that happens a lot in natural speech… context usually makes it clear what the grammatically correct word would be:
I wanted to tell you something → Ich wollte ihnen etwas sagen would still be recognisable with “ihnen” pronounced as “ihn’n” – because if it were “I wanted to tell him something”, the sentence would be “Ich wollte ihm etwas sagen.”

“Was möchtest noch” is nonsense. The closest match would be “Was möchtest du noch?” (What else/more do you want?)


When the male voice says ‘das wiederholen’ it sounds like ‘das uh wiederholen’.

One of the male utterances of ‘wie möchten sie’ has some additional sounds, and so does ‘am Samstag Abend treffen’, ‘ein paar’ and ‘sie sprechen es’.

The femake ‘ein paar’ sounds like ‘ein paarm’ and she doesn’t say ‘willst du nicht’ on its own properly.

The male voice says ‘wie magst am’ instaed of ‘wie magst du’.

The prompt for ‘let us talk about something other’ might be better as ‘let us talk about something else’ :thinking:

The male voice doesn’t say ‘kannst du’ on its own properly, or ‘kannst du bitte’ or ‘kannst du jetzt’, and he adds some extra sounds to the start of ‘ich bin beschäftigt’.

Not sure that ‘what would now’ with the German ‘was möchtest jetzt’ makes sense in either language.

The male pronunciation of ‘gesagt haben’ on its own isn’t clear. Nor is ‘darüber’.

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The male doesn’t say ‘stimmt’ properly in 'aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das stimmt and he adds some extra grumblings to ‘morgen machen’, ‘einen Freund treffen’, ‘was soll’, ‘was möchten sie’ and ‘ich kann spater’.

The prompt for ‘was soll ich machen’ is sometimes ‘what should I do’ and sometimes ‘what do you want me to do’.

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