SaySomethingin German

Oh…I actually thought that the app wouldn’t work at all without an active subscription! :sweat_smile:

Curiouser and curiouser! :rofl::rofl::thinking:

Just a small reminder that I am not a member of the staff, but merely a user who tries to be helpful :wink:

As far as I read elsewhere, the app can be used on a “trial basis” without a subscription – I think up to the first (yellow) belt – but I’d think that you are well beyond that point, judging from the material you quote.

Paging @rich and @Deborah-SSi for more (official) help and information :slight_smile:

If you don’t have a subscription, the app works up to Orange Belt, then starts giving you repetition of earlier phrases. Is that your case @Cetra?

FWIW and acknowledging that I might be wrong, I honestly don’t think it’s likely to cause confusion in that direction in Italian either. I’ve never made this mistake myself in Italian or any other language I’ve studied (although I might have made the opposite mistake in some languages, see below!), I’ve never heard anyone make this mistake and it doesn’t fit with the error patterns I’ve seen from my students of English over the years.

The other direction, though, does seem like a mistake someone might make. At least that’s my intuition. It’s very unintuitive to take a word meaning “very”, “much” or “very much” and make it into a word meaning “truly”; but it’s quite tempting to do it the other way round, for reasons that I haven’t quite figured out how to put into words yet.

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…which is how ‘very’ (from Old French meaning ‘real’, ‘true’, vrai) came to have its modern meaning.
ETA and also how many people use ‘literally’, no matter how often other people tell them not to!


And you are being incredibly helpful. I’m honestly sorry if I was sticking my nose in where it wasn’t needed. As someone who definitely wants to refresh my German at some point, I appreciate your hard work.

My opinion genuinely is still what I said above; but I’m definitely very far from being sure that I’m right and you’re wrong. I think about these issues a lot as my hobby is learning languages and my job is teaching a language (English); but in a decade of teaching English, I’ve been wrong about this kind of stuff more times than I care to think about.

Also, as I said before, the late Michel Thomas did it your way and I would put him in the top 3 or 4 teachers I admire, so I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it turns out you are right.


The thing is that you’re so helpful and its so nice to get such speedy and helpful advice that its as if you are the go-to person! :star_struck:Sorry if I’ve become a pest! :flushed:

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That’s not it at all, it’s just that for some questions I simply may not be the most qualified person. Dyna i gyd :slight_smile:

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Yes, thats it then! :grimacing: I just offered to help with the beta testing!

@Hendrik I’m more and more coming round to your POV. The app just reviewed an Italian sentence meaning “What do you want me to do?” using the prompt, “What do you want that I do?”

It does seem to be the case that the more literal prompts are preferred to the more natural prompts for pedagogical reasons. I think I’m going to have to concede this one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Although I’m not sure everything is as it should be? @Deborah-SSi

I’ve gotten as far as an orange belt and that appears to be after the pay threshold?

I’m guessing here, but maybe having completed all the yellow belt material earns you the orange belt, but you have no access to orange belt level material without paying?
That is, you start off with a white belt, before you do any learning at all. When you’ve finished the white belt material you earn a yellow belt and then do the yellow material. You’ve now finished all the yellow belt material, therefore you get an orange belt, ready to start the orange learning material… and to do that, you need a subscription.
If I’m right, you won’t be getting any more new words now, or earning a white stripe on your orange belt, until you subscribe.

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It’s a minor gripe, but it would be nice if “belt levels explained” contained an actual explanation and not just a list of colours. How long does it take to earn each belt? What skills will you learn for each belt? You know, things like that. Rough CEFR level equivalency would be very popular I’m sure, but not essential.
Is earning a belt based on the time we spend using the app, or material covered, or some combination?
It feels as though at least the early belts come very quickly, but assuming it mirrors martial arts style belt systems, later belts will take longer? That’s a guess, based on the fact my random web surfing has given me a whole lot of useless knowledge. If I didn’t already know it… :woman_shrugging:
These kinds of questions are going to keep coming up.

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I agree with that. The app and the method are ace, but I think it would be good to know where you are in the process. :grinning:e.g it might motivate you to press on for another few minutes if you knew you were getting near the end of a section.

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If that’s right, then I think maybe the Unlock line in the graphic needs to be be below the orange belt?:upside_down_face:

@Deborah-SSi Is there a way I can carry on testing without a subscription, like I did for Welsh? :thinking: