What do you think of our new Finnish course? Any feedback very welcome!
I don’t know if this behavior has something to do with my device, but it seems as if at some introductions are missed. Arans starts to say “Th-”, then the audio stops and a turning red circle appears where the play/pause button is. After that, the program wants me to say something new. It’s not a huge deal, as I can just wait for the solution, and everything is repeated anyway, but it makes progress a bit jarring. That has happened at least three times now, but like I said, it doesn’t affect all introductions.
Very helpful thanks for this. I’ve been doing some Finnish this morning and I didn’t experience this. It’s possibly the device but we need to know about it. I’m on an iPhone 12.
What device are you on btw? That would help us identify the issue a little better.
Sorry, I should have given this info in my first post… it’s an Android phone running a current version 14 (Samsung Galaxy A55). But in another session I did today, the error didn’t happen again.
Just for testing purposes, would it be possible to erase all my progress in Finnish and Italian (because I think something similar happened when I tried Italian a few days ago) – as if I had never done those two before?
I’ve started the course the day before yesterday and stopped when Aran told me that this is the Chinese course. I think this has already been fixed, as someone else pointed it out.
Until now everything works fine for me, I’m really enjoying the course in a language, that is so different from French, Italian or Spanish.
when the prompt is: you will remember = sä tuut muistamaan, the male voice always says : muistamaan san.
Kiitos @brigitte! I’m putting together an update for next week - please let me know about any other broken audio files you come across!
Finnish and Italian done.
when the prompt is: “and studied” , the female voice omits the “ja” and the male voice says something incomprehensible.
when the prompt is:" if a week" and " I am a week" the male voice says something after viikon.
When the prompt is :" if studying" , the male voice omits the jos.
Amazing, paljon kiitoksia! (keep them coming if you feel like it )
Terve Kim
I didn’t notice much.
Two small things if you want to fix it, but learning is still possible, if you don’t.
when the prompt is: or improve, the female voice omits the “tai.”
when the prompt is: making now, the female voice ist ok, but the male voice says something like “smine” instead of " tekeminem."
Thanks for all these, very helpful!
when " able to" is introduced, the female voice says “osaa” (correct according to the written text) the male voice says something like " osaa falata "
Besides I only noticed some sentences, where the male voice omits the last syllable or adds a short syllable. But the text and the female voice are always correct, so I think it’s not really worth to work on it.
Or would you like to know these sentences ?
Thanks for the “osaa falata”
I’ve been hearing some of the last syllable drops/additions and I’ve felt that they’ve mostly fallen within normal language variations. You’ll definitely hear people dropping final syllables, and the additions haven’t sounded too awkward either I’m sure that’s not 100% the case, but I’m sure we can finetune once we’ve caught most of the obvious ones, so feel free to ignore them
the prompt is “quite difficult”, and I expected " ihan vaikeaa", but the text was and both voices said : " aika vaikeaa" “Aika” was not yet introduced, Are “aika” and " ihan" interchangeable ?
When the prompt is: “really difficult”, the male voice says something incomprehensible.
Very interesting catch… Uhm… They’re not completely interchangeable because “ihan vaikeaa” doesn’t really mean “quite difficult”, but I’m having trouble explaining why Languages… (either way, as you already know, don’t worry about it)
I will investigate and at the very least pull the unintroduced “aika” here, though! Update coming very soon, but these should still make it in…