Salon Creadigol--it's more than meets the eye

I’m not on Instagram to follow that, but I’ve just had a look at the link and, yup, I would definitely have picked all those up too!


It’s a pebble beach known for its long stretch of steeply shelving stones and, at low tide, some sand is revealed. Located about a mile from the main resort beach at Barry, Cold Knap is quieter but still becomes busy during the summer months. It’s a place with good facilities and a pleasant, affluent atmosphere. For geology enthusiasts, there are fine examples of horizontal sedimentary strata visible in the cliffs towards the western end of the beach.

I’m extremely new to watercolors, but I just finished painting this mermaid as part of a trade.


Wow, well done!

If this is what you can do already, you must be a natural! Clearly you have an excellent eye and great imagination. I look forward to seeing more of your work.


Diolch o galon, Mari! That’s very kind!

I used to think the busiest time was the ‘back to it’ month when schools return in September and everyone seems to be getting into the swing of things again. Now I am reminded that May/June are equally busy with all kinds of lovely pre-summer events, so I have not had a lot of time to paint except for this after a recent walk:


Goodness me, that’s stunning! I love the way you painted the little sun in the sky. I’m also really impressed with how you layer the colors - trying to learn that myself and currently studying what you’re doing.


Thank you!

You probably know all this, but I have found that the trick with layering watercolours is to use pigments which are transparent so they stain rather than cover what is below.

Depending on what effect you are trying to achieve, the other approach is to have two or three colours wetted, ready to use, next put the dominant one on the paper then while it is still wet add little drops of the others to it.


That’s very solid advice! Diolch yn fawr.

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This is a tiny piece.

Sometimes, when I am short of time or energy, I tackle something small, just the size of a small photo. Besides being easier and quicker to control and complete, if it turns out good enough to warrant a frame, it won’t break the bank.

Two pieces of sage advice and encouragement I lean on when the result isn’t very good (and you can tell if a watercolour is not going well almost from the start):

  1. Picasso approached every painting as an experiment and said once his ‘experiement’ was finished, so was the piece, so on to the next…
  2. We all have the ability to create something. Once we feel keen to give it a go—whatever it is—then it’s likely that the initial result may not match our intuitive ‘aesthetic taste’, but if we keep trying, gradually the gap between the outcome we hoped for and the reality closes.

Put together, it seems we just need to keep ‘experimenting’—and enjoy the process.


And your clue—this is not in Wales, but further North…


Thanks so much, the idea of treacle mining really captured my imagination! Im not sure theres a private chat function here but can share my email


I have a very short story Ive written in Welsh and want to know if it makes any sense to people ie. If i should continue writing it in Welsh. Is thus the right thread to post it?

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We spent a lovely bank holiday weekend in Sir Ddinbych and walked up to an Iron Age hill fort Caer Drewyn. I spotted this beautiful but rather dilapidated cottage on the way back down and did this sketch from a reference photo.


There is private messaging, so please don’t share your email on a thread (anyone can see these threads).

To send a private message, click on the name of the person you want to write to and you should see a blue ‘message’ box in the pop-up box. Click on that and you’ll be able to send things in private.
When you have a private message in your inbox, you should receive a notification and you’ll see a green dot appear by your icon in the top right corner of the screen - click on your icon and you should be able to see the unopened message with a little envelope next to it.

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Yes, you can post it here, or even in the main forum if you wish (for a bigger readership).

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The cottage may be dilapidated, but you have transformed it into a ‘beauty to behold’—injecting life into the whole scene through your wonderful approach and style. Thank you!


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Thanks Marilyn! You could tell some love had gone into the garden over the years, and the cottage looked as though it could be rescued if not left too long. The barns and outbuildings at the back were a different story though!
A shame to see really.

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Maybe consider posting it to the writing practice thread as well?

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Inspired by your work, I thought I’d give an ink drawing with wash a go….

The nib was too wide for the scale of drawing so the black lines dominate, unlike yours which are delicate—perfect. The ink began to run and smudge which was unintended, but useful in faking in shadows, shaping the rocks. Perhaps I should have used brighter washes to give it more life. Thoughts?

This is part of Glamorgan’s Jurassic shoreline—a favourite ‘beach’ for poking about in the tide pools—and twisting ankles on the slippery rocks as the tide goes out :smirk: