Sain Ffagan (St Fagans) - Special SSiW Meetup

I’m going to be in Pontypridd for the Eisteddfod this year, but I absolutely love Sain Ffagan and I can’t possibly pass up the opportunity to visit the open air Museum of Welsh Life when I’m so close!

I’m planning to be there all day on Saturday 3rd August and it would be great to meet as many SSiWers as possible there. I’m thinking it could be a sort of ‘drop in when you can and stay as long as you like’ type of event, and I’m happy to give my mobile number in a Private Message to anyone who thinks they can make it at some stage during the day, so you can text me when you arrive and I can let you know where we are.

The more the merrier, so I’m hoping that by giving you lots of advance notice we’ll be able to get quite a crowd together. :tada: :tada:

EDIT - Unfortunately I now can’t make this event - see below


I wish I could be there to meet you and other SSiW-ers, Deborah. And go to the Eisteddfod, of course. We had such a delightful meet-up at Sain Ffagan when I was there last June. Our group sat at an outside table in the cafe area and chatted in Welsh for hours.

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Shame you can’t be there @Anne-D! Next time maybe?

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I plan to be in Wrecsam next June to take my Uwch exam and visit friends. I would love to stay until the Eisteddfod in August but probably can’t swing it. Taswn i’n ennill y loteri . . . :rofl:

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I’m very sorry to have to do this, but after making a sudden, unexpected trip to Australia due to the passing of my mother, I won’t be coming to the Eisteddfod this year, so I won’t be at Sain Ffagan either.

I will be back home before then, but I just feel the need for some quiet time of reflection and I can’t face travelling again so soon afterwards. I was really looking forward to catching up with as many of you as possible, and spending time at Sain Ffagan and the Eisteddfod, but it will have to wait for another year.

I hope some of you that were planning to go will still meet up though. Perhaps you could post here and say who you are, then arrange something between you.

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Although,sadly, @Deborah-SSi can’t join us, I’m stiil going to Sain Ffagan on Saturday 3rd August to meet Alan Owen in the café at 12 noon and possibly bringing one or two other people.

If anyone wants to join us that would be great. We’ll stroll around the site and chat to practise our Welsh after we’ve had a “paned” and/or snack until about 12.30.

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