Rwan neu nawr?

Hello Everyone,

I’m confused about the two words rwan and nawr. I thought rwan was used in North Wales, but, during my trip to Anglesey this week, nawr seems to be preferred (in road signs etc). Things are further complicated by the facts that the words are the same (just the opposite way round).




rwan is a spoken version more common in (but not exclusive to) North Wales whereas nawr is not only the more commonly heard version in the South, but also the proper written (‘dictionary’) version which is why it’s used on road signs everywhere.


I never knew that, Siaron - and find myself strangely pleased :laughing:


Fab… diolch, @siaronjames :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you Siaron. Can I ask what would be more commonly used instead of nawr in the south please. Nawr is the only word I know for now. :thinking:

nawr is the one commonly used one in the south - rwan is heard more in the north, so if you’re happy sticking with nawr, that’s fine :slight_smile:

I’ve also seen “yn awr”, which is presumably where “nawr” comes from, but what’s the origin of “rwan”?

Yes, nawr comes from ‘yn awr’. rwan (actually, it really should be rŵan), comes from yrŵan which itself comes from ‘yr awr hon’.


Yes - when you have N and S variants, one of them is also the official standard. And in the case of nawr/rwan, it’s nawr - so that’s what you see on signs.