:-) Rhybudd Tywydd / Weather Warning :-)

This is a warning to anyone thinking of driving to or through Ystrad Meurig - I am wearing my shorts! :blush:


No-one in Ceredigion is going to get shocked by a man in shorts ever again after this…


Anything like this Huw?

Uncanny resemblance - except for the beard, of course. :laughing:

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Oh my lord, I thought I had erased song that from my memory!

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Was that you singing Sionned? :wink: :grinning: :sunny:

p.s. We had our 2nd sunny day of the year on Tuesday, then lightening in the night to clear the air and cool us down! Ah well, we are north of Moscow!!

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I had forgotten that there was (at least) one more version of this song …

… warning - not for those of a nervous disposition…


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I live in Ystrad Meurig so thanks for the warning!

I’m from Australia so if I’m around there I won’t even notice you. 'On ya mate!

Please see my PM
Limbs now completely covered BTW so the weather warning is lifted. :smiley:

Oh believe me - you would have. :laughing:

Dim pell. Dan ni’n byw iest tu allan Ystrad Meurig ar ben y bryn rhwng Swyddffynnon a Tynygraig. Enw y ty ydy Bwlch Teulu. Wyt ti’n mynd i ddosbarth?


Wyt ti’n mynd i ddosbarth?

Nac ydw, ond os bydd Zoe sy’n rhoi’r dosbarth, rhowch fy nymuniadau gorau iddi, plis. Ffrind annwyl yw hi. Mae hi wedi dechrau dysgu Cymraeg gyda fi mewn “Wlpan Awst” yn y Prifysgol Aberystwyth mlynedd yn ôl. Nawr dw i’n dysgu Cymraeg fel dysgwr ond mae Zoe yn dysgu Cymraeg fel tiwtor! :blush: