Question on pictures/images

Does the new forum design allow for pictures and images to be posted/copied into messages? Just tried and failed.

Just tried clicking on “Bootcamp”. Text can be read but pictures/youtube images are not visible.

Nope, not yet, I’m afraid - but if you have an image that is hosted somewhere else, you can put a link to it. We will add images in the future, but it’s going to be a while, because the ‘to do’ list is pretty long right now…:wink:

The Bootcamp thing is about using https - if you change your browser settings to allow ‘insecure’ content, it’ll be fine - but again, we’ll have a fix for this in the not-too-distant future…:slight_smile:

Aran Jones: Nope, not yet, I’m afraid - but if you have an image that is hosted somewhere else, you can put a link to it. We will add images in the future, but it’s going to be a while, because the ‘to do’ list is pretty long right now…:wink:

Links! Are we able to post links on this forum??

Yup :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, so it does! :smiley:

…but one suggestion - could the links open a new window/tab so we can still have the forum open in its own window/tab? Then we won’t need to hit the ‘back’ button however many times to get back to the forum!

Your browser will allow that via alt+click or command+click (on a Mac). :slight_smile:

Simon Walton:
Your browser will allow that via alt+click or command+click (on a Mac). :slight_smile:

I’m using an iPad. I can hold the link and a pop-up appears giving me the option. But if, like me, people prefer the lazy option and have everything done for you… :slight_smile:

Your browser will allow that via alt+click or command+click (on a Mac). :slight_smile:

Or clicking the scroll wheel if it doubles as a middle button.

Usually specifying a default _target for URLs is considered bad practice (as it should be up to the user to override it), but it does make sense for forums as the links are usually auxillary to the main content and tend to be consumed as a secondary task. I don’t think many would complain if the default target was a new tab.

Or clicking the scroll wheel if it doubles as a middle button.

Oh, hey, that’s SO cool, I never knew that. Feels like Christmas time!

Simon - good call. Maybe one to test…

right-click+“open link in new tab” on Chrome on Windows PC/laptop.