Pump an y Penwythnos/Friday Five 14/04/17

Perennial favourites are people smoking where I can smell it, especially if I can’t easily avoid them (e.g. at a bus stop), and people who don’t go all the way to the back of the bus meaning the front is full while the back may still have empty seats.

Languages, generally – whether it’s script reform in Turkey, written standards in Norwegian, the use of the word “dialect” in reference to China, etc.


It would appear that there are some available on Radio 4 Extra at the moment:




Anyone remember “The Telegoons”? On TV in the early 1960s IIRC. Not sure if they just took the radio recordings and added puppets, or if they recorded (or re-recorded) them especially. At the time, I thought it worked reasonably well, although I’m not sure if I’d still like them if I saw them now.

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Lovely; thanks!

I recognise one or two bits from my childhood, such as “This is my plan of a tack! - Looks like a nail… - No, it’s a tack!”