Pump am y Penwythos / Friday Five 28/09/2018

Bore da! Thought I’d be more efficient today and get these in this morning before starting work, so here goes…

1) When was the last time you had to follow instructions?

2) What ritual do you repeat every day without fail?

3) What are you most likely to win?

4) I’m popping to yours this evening, so what have you got planned?

5) A Song/Book/Movie/Cocktail/Food/Activity/Item of clothing/Colour/Country. Chose four to give us a better idea of who you really are.

6) Make up your own Friday Five question and answer it…

Have a fabulous weekend whatever you are doing!


1) When was the last time you had to follow instructions?
Everyday from my granddaughter. The most recent being (in translation) “you can go now”.:laughing:

2) What ritual do you repeat every day without fail?
I always put my right leg in my underpants first. If I tried to do it the other way, I’d fall over. (Too much information?)

3) What are you most likely to win?
The best-looking competitor in the SSiW Eisteddfod. I have asked repeatedly for this category to be incuded but it never has been. :disappointed_relieved:

4) I’m popping to yours this evening, so what have you got planned?
First of all a big Croeso and a big cwtsh; then a G + T; then Wyau Sir Fon (Anglesey Eggs); then Cig Oen a Mel (Lamb with honey, ginger, rosemary and cider); then Pwdin Sir Fynwy, if you have room for it. (You will give me a couple of hours notice, won’t you? :worried:)

5) A Song/Book/Movie/Cocktail/Food/Activity/Item of clothing/Colour/Country. Chose four to give us a better idea of who you really are.
Song: “Lasciate mi morire” by Monteverdi. I sang this for a music exam - cheerful little number, but so me.
Book: “Middlemarch” by George Eliot / Mary Ann EVANS (must have been Welsh)
Movie: the original “Blues Brothers”
Activity: Walking - (getting a bit arthriticky now, though)
Item of Clothing: I had a dashing set of cravats but Maureen gave them away to a charity shop :astonished::angry:
(sorry, I can’t count)
6) Make up your own Friday Five question and answer it…
Q: What is the meaning of life?
Q2: What is the meaning of “meaning”
Q3: What is the meaning of “What”


Too late, I already left…!


Drive slowly then. :smiley:
By the way, I thought it would just be Catrin. :smile:

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Oh, I’ve left her working on her book. Don’t worry, I don’t eat pwdin… :slight_smile:

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Strange, we’d just sat down with a beer (dog’s got a chew) and we’re watching the Blues Brothers😳


I’m with you in spirit (or should say beer). I’d be a bit annoying though 'cos of my tendency to recite every word with the actors. Enjoy the sorely missed and magnificent Aretha :grinning:


Duck Dunn in Murph and the Magitones …


1) When was the last time you had to follow instructions?
Trying to do a bit of scything (as a follow-up to my thesis on Welsh Harvest Traditions). I didn’t start off too badly, but I find when I’m corrected every five minutes I lose what little confidence I start out with. I think a lot of instructors could do with learning from the SSIW method and give learners the space to make mistakes.

2) What ritual do you repeat every day without fail?
Filling in diary entries and suchlike at 1am when I ought to be in bed.

3) What are you most likely to win?
Maybe an English spelling competition.

4) I’m popping to yours this evening, so what have you got planned?
Nothing, I’m afraid. I shall probably be proofreading a local group publication. Yes I know… But such mundane activities would nevertheless be cast aside with the prospect of such esteemed visitors, and we would be able to come up with something in the way of food and drink…

5) A Song/Book/Movie/Cocktail/Food/Activity/Item of clothing/Colour/Country. Chose four to give us a better idea of who you really are.
As this is something I can answer almost properly, I have taken the liberty of interpreting ‘choose four’ as ‘choose up to four of each’! So:
Song: ‘Afterglow’ by the Small Faces (the most underrated pop/rock band ever); ‘Tell Me Why’ by Neil Young; ‘Stairway to Heaven’ by Led Zeppelin; and ‘Coronach’ by Jethro Tull.
Book: ‘The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain’ by Ronald Hutton; ‘Myth: A Very Short Introduction’, by Robert Segal; ‘Welsh Folk Customs’, by Trefor M Owen; and ‘The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art’, by David Lewis-Williams.
Movie: Why is it that, however many films one might have seen, it’s always ‘The Third Man’ that comes up when this question is asked?
Activity: Walking; Gym, when I get round to going!
Item of Clothing: Dressing-gown - I spend far too much time in it.
Country: Tibet - that much abused land.

6) Make up your own Friday Five question and answer it…
Q: How does Catrin manage to keep coming up with these questions every week?
A: Dunno, but I wish I had 25% of her creativity.


Are you left-handed, or is it a man thing? :wink:

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I’m left-handed, like all geniuses. :laughing:
I haven’t watched many men dress in the morning, so others might be better qualified to say whether it’s a “man thing”. :laughing:

Given that you are undoubtedly

maybe for some it would be too little information!? :grin::laughing:


Unknown about it being a ‘man thing’ but being left-handed, and a genius :sunglasses: I too put my right leg in first. Just for another perspective, I asked my Daughter, who is left-handed which she does first. She replied, as if I’m an idiot, “Both.” If you can do both, and are left handed you are Super-Genius! :rofl:


I have an acre of ground and you are more than welcome to practice to your heart’s content. I guarantee you will get nothing but praise from me! HA!

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1) When was the last time you had to follow instructions? Now. Having to answer this set of questions. Not very original, but truthful. HA!

2) What ritual do you repeat every day without fail? Lots of rituals, but my favorites are: walking the dog, practice speaking Cymraeg and telling my family that I love them.

3) What are you most likely to win? Best Father of the year…according to the dog. :rofl:

4) I’m popping to yours this evening, so what have you got planned? Croeso! Meet us at Ironhill Brewery to celebrate my birthday, but you can’t come unless you bring Aran and the kids.

5) A Song/Book/Movie/Cocktail/Food/Activity/Item of clothing/Colour/Country. Chose four to give us a better idea of who you really are.
Song: Fel i Fod by Adwaith. Not a song about me, but it’s sentimental as the song is about being young, growing up and trying to figure what to do/be. My 14 year old Daughter is already worrying about her future, money, career and I keep reminding her to enjoy school. Enjoy the friends and the activities you do with them. The future will there when you are ready.
movie About Time I’m a sucker for a good love story, and yes I have my own to tell. This is my all time favorite movie and has a great philosophy about life and a great cast.
Cocktail Nuts 'n Berries - Frangelico (hazelnut liqueur) and Chamboard (raspberry liqueur) in a rocks glass with milk.
Running For fun and health, not competition.
6) Make up your own Friday Five question and answer it…
Why am I having such a problem coming up with a question? I don’t know…Je ne sais pas…Do n’i ddim yn gwybod.


Thanks @delawarejones, but I sold off my scything equipment fairly quickly. Probably a bit too quickly. I had nowhere to practise at the time other than where I was being taught - but since then several folks have asked me if I’d scythe over their piece of land! Cussed!

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Everyone wants someone else to cut their lawns. :smile: To scythe my yard, you’d need to come to Delaware, United States…so it was a true long shot anyway.

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D’yer know, there was something about your name @delawarejones which just made me wonder, not quite sure what it was… :grinning:
But I’d already seen you on here in connection with NAFOW, anyway.
I suppose if I took up rowing, I could still make it across the pond, with scythe in tow… :laughing::grin:

You’re a very brave man. I would get a mile from the coast and say, “That’s close enough to Wales,” and row back.

1) When was the last time you had to follow instructions?
Yesterday at work, after I was sick for a day and had a very long email from my boss with several scary due dates in it. I guess I shouldn’t take a day off…

2) What ritual do you repeat every day without fail?
I am left handed, but will not be talking about my underwear. :stuck_out_tongue: Every day I get up at five, make coffee and sit with a warm cup of caffiene, a happy dosing cat on my lap and a SSIW lesson playing on my iphone.

3) What are you most likely to win?
The upcoming bake off at work. As a matter of fact, I am practicing the orange carrot cake with caramel buttercream and maple honeycomb candy right now.

4) I’m popping to yours this evening, so what have you got planned?
A very warm welcome. A well curated cheese board with appropriate accompaniments, a good cold cider and a large meal with honey miso salmon, roasted sweet potatoes and grilled asparagus. After dinner my family is always up for a good board game with homemade chocolate brownies.

5) A Song/Book/Movie/Cocktail/Food/Activity/Item of clothing/Colour/Country. Chose four to give us a better idea of who you really are.

Song: I am currently enjoying how to sing Sebona Fi by Yws Gwynedd in Welsh
Food: Fudge Brownies. Made in one bowl and magically dark and gooey
Activity: Visiting coffee shops with my family and taking pictures with my husbands fancy camera
Book: I am currently reading Dark Territory by Jerry Hunter that I picked up at NAFOW. Really enjoying it and hopefully one day I will be able to read it in Welsh

6) Make up your own Friday Five question and answer it…
When will my next visit to Wales occur?
Well, it would be my first trip and I am hoping sometime next year. I am saving my pennies!!