Pump am y Penwythnos / Friday Five 08/06/2018

Bore da! :smile:

We’ve had a glorious week of summery weather here, which, after a challenging winter, is such a soul nourishing treat.

So with summer in mind…

1) What’s your most cherished summer/warm weather memory?

2) String together, in no particular order, between 10 ans 20 words which mean summer to you.

3) It’s a mid summer, balmy, Sunday afternoon and you’re at home. I knock on your door, how do I find you?

4) Finish these sentences -

  • In summer one should never

  • In summer one should always

5) Life has been a bit tough so you’ve been prescribed a week away to find your feet again. You’re being sent to stay in a basic but very comfortable beach hut on a tropical island with no electricity. Fresh food and drink will be provided by the small and friendly local community. What do you take with you and what so you spend your week doing?

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1) What’s your most cherished summer/warm weather memory?

Probably swimming in the sea in the Algarve - especially since being able to do it again with my own children… :slight_smile:

2) String together, in no particular order, between 10 ans 20 words which mean summer to you.

Open doors, white wine, bare feet, late evenings, warm figs, ripe oranges, slow days.

3) It’s a mid summer, balmy, Sunday afternoon and you’re at home. I knock on your door, how do I find you?

Reading in the garden, or just possibly pushing a child on a swing.

4) Finish these sentences -

In summer one should never… buy Christmas presents.

In summer one should always… re-read War and Peace.

  1. Life has been a bit tough so you’ve been prescribed a week away to find your feet again. You’re being sent to stay in a basic but very comfortable beach hut on a tropical island with no electricity. Fresh food and drink will be provided by the small and friendly local community. What do you take with you and what so you spend your week doing?

Some books and a guitar.

1) What’s your most cherished summer/warm weather memory?
My childhood summer holidays in Llangadog especially playing by the Sawdde on the common. The sheer happiness of those times still make me smile 60+ years later

2) String together, in no particular order, between 10 ans 20 words which mean summer to you.
“Svmer is icumen in, Sing cuccu,” Pimms, G&T, Barbecues (with me in charge, of course)

3) It’s a mid summer, balmy, Sunday afternoon and you’re at home. I knock on your door, how do I find you?
Beaming with delight at seeing you and about to offer you a Pimms

4) Finish these sentences -

•In summer one should never - say never
•In summer one should always - turn off the central heating

5) …What do you take with you and what so you spend your week doing?
My wife and none of your business :laughing:


1) What’s your most cherished summer/warm weather memory?

It would have to be childhood, because the summers were always better then, weren’t they?

Lots really, but curiously, the best would be in my later primary school years - my happiest school years (2ndary school wasn’t a particularly happy time). We had a massive grassy field behind the school with ISTR a bank towards the bottom, and during the long lunchbreak some of us would lie on our backs looking up at the sky at the white cotton wool clouds, and put the world to rights as only 9-10-11-year olds can.

2) String together, in no particular order, between 10 and 20 words which mean summer to you.

sun, white fluffy clouds, green countryside, blackberries, eating and drinking outside, walking in beautiful places

3) It’s a mid summer, balmy, Sunday afternoon and you’re at home. I knock on your door, how do I find you?

Might be cutting the grass, or pottering around the garden. But equally likely inside cooking or reading.

4) Finish these sentences -

In summer one should never

Walk down the High Street, naked, however great the temptation

In summer one should always

Walk down the High Street, naked - give in to temptation!
(see how fickle I am…? :wink: )

5) Life has been a bit tough so you’ve been prescribed a week away to find your feet again. You’re being sent to stay in a basic but very comfortable beach hut on a tropical island with no electricity. Fresh food and drink will be provided by the small and friendly local community. What do you take with you and what so you spend your week doing?

swimming togs and snorkling equipment - I’ve never snorkled, but that would be the place to learn.
Coconut oil.


1) What’s your most cherished summer/warm weather memory?
Everlasting school holidays playing football and climbing trees till dusk then hearing my dad whistling from miles away … we daren’t let him whistle twice.

2) String together, in no particular order, between 10 ans 20 words which mean summer to you.
Hot steering wheel, bare feet, cold drinks, barely warm showers, morning chorus, two weeks off work.

3) It’s a mid summer, balmy, Sunday afternoon and you’re at home. I knock on your door, how do I find you?
I’m with Huw here … surprised and welcoming with a take away menu close to hand.

**4) Finish these sentences - **
In summer one should never … over exert oneself.
In summer one should always … wear sun lotion.

5) … tropical island with no electricity. What do you take with you and what so you spend your week doing?
My wife, we would explore every inch of this island and spend time with the locals.


You’ve really asked the wrong person here.

1/ Going to Glastonbury, having forgotten to take a tent: We picked up a roll of bin liners and searched the site to bendy sticks. Then constructed a black dome, which was waterproof, but stupidly hot. However pouring buckets of water over ourselves kept us cool.

2/ Sweat, Dazzle, Burning, Faff, Equipment, Fans, Hats, Misery, Itching, Wasps, Inconsiderateness, Stuffiness, Misery

3/ Hiding in a dark room in my underpants in front of a fan with a good book, sorry

4/ In summer one should never agree to whatever the summer lovers want

In summer one should always wear a hat. I really Really hated summer before I got a hat that kept the sun off and gave me the ability to see.

5/ A hammock, Scuba Gear, Rum. a Sound System er… I have done this with having to purify water and cook on open fires.

Ecological surveys of course