Possible meet ups to chat Welsh - Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire

Shwmae pawb,

felly … I live in the Forest of Dean and Carolyn, my regular-Welsh-chat friend, lives in Cheltenham. I have done SSiW to level 2, Carolyn is currently on level 3.

I am loving the walk-and-talk and the lunch club meet ups in different locations in Gwent and organisded by Menter Iaith.

However, in the interests of the more the merrier and really local would be lovely, both Carolyn and myself are wondering if there are any meet up groups (preferably with a mix of first language and learners, but maybe just learners only, either) that … meet up … in or close to Cheltenham, Gloucester, Forest of Dean, Ross on Wye.

Or might anyone else be interested if me and Carolyn organise a lunch club … or a walk and talk … or a glass in a pub early evening … We are both Sylfaen level but keen as mustard …


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I’ve edited the title to include the location making it easier for people to spot and I’ll mention it in the newsletter too to see if a few people might be interested.

Diolch yn fair.


That’d be ‘fawr’


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S’mae pawb,
just to mention that the Forest of Dean/Gloucester Meet Up Group is actually different to the Gloucester/Cheltenham Group (which has recently been temporarily suspended).
Forest of Dean/Gloucester Group are meeting tomorrow, 10 November, 2 pm, Lock Keepers, Horseshoe Drive, Over, GL2 8DB.
Then we are meeting at the same venue on Thursday 12 January, 2 pm. Everybody welcome, even if you are a little shy to chat much but want to meet other learners/speakers. Hwyl

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