Podleidiad Newydd: New Podcast Episode ALL About The Welsh Story

Hi everyone, during my visit to the Cwrs Pasg in Trefforest I met with a few wonderful people who are learning and living in Welsh. I recorded interviews with these people and made a podcast episode which I’d love to share with you. One of my guests was @faithless78 from the forum, and we talked about SSiW among other things.

The podcast is called

Welsh Is Not English!
Discover the story of how the Welsh language fought its way back from near extinction to the goal of a million speakers

If you’d like to read the full story, here is my blog article also entitled “Welsh Is Not English”

Enjoy! This is an independent podcast, no big funding or radio type audience, so please support us with a review or Facebook/Twitter share if you can.


Great podcast Kerstin! I really enjoyed this. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Diolch Ann!

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