Oxford Welsh learners group

Just a heads-up that there may be some new faces on Friday: my partner Jenni knows of two or three people at OUP who have expressed an interest in getting to speak Welsh in Oxford, and has passed on details of the Friday lunchtime. I don’t know any more - eg whether any of them are mamiaith - but I do know that she also gave SSiW a plug at the same time, so they presumably can’t all be!


A prominent bit of Welsh spotted yesterday in St Ethelwold’s garden, Abingdon.


In the X-ray department of Marcham Road Hospital, they have the usual warning “Tell the radiographer if you could be pregnant.” English in large font, then many other languages in smaller font. Welsh is the first of those languages. I suppose it’s cheapest to have the same poster throughout the UK but, even so, I was pleased to see it.


Helo eto - start of a new month this week, and what better way to prepare to celebrate Nos Galan Mai/May Day Eve than joining our Tuesday lunchtime meetup in Abingdon! :slightly_smiling_face: And, after voting :ballot_box: in the local elections on Thursday (don’t forget ID :identification_card: needed now!), why not join our Weston Library meetup on Friday while you’re waiting for the results… :wink: :

  • 12:00 Tuesday 30th April/ dydd Mawrth 30ain mis Ebrill ( via Zoom & only by request - do get in touch if your interested )
  • 13:00 Tuesday 30th April/ dydd Mawrth 30ain mis Ebrill ( The Snug in The Punchbowl, 6 Market Place, Abingdon, OX14 3HG )
  • 12:00 Friday 3rd May / dydd Gwener 3edd mis Mai ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff
PS Don’t forget to check out our new Facebook page: Oxford Welsh leaners

Annoyingly, once again I can’t get to this Tuesday’s meetup at the Punchbowl. Really sorry to be missing so many of these.

Helo bawb - with a new coffee machine :coffee: in Abingdon’s Punch Bowl and hot & cold drinks, soups, salads, sandwiches, hot dishes, cakes & pastries :coffee: :cake: in the Weston Library Cafe opposite the Space for Reading in the Atrium, why not join us for one (or both! :slightly_smiling_face: ) of our weekly meetups:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 7th May/ dydd Mawrth 7fed mis Mai ( via Zoom & only by request - do get in touch if your interested )
  • 13:00 Tuesday 7th May/ dydd Mawrth 7fed mis Mai ( The Snug in The Punchbowl, 6 Market Place, Abingdon, OX14 3HG )
  • 12:00 Friday 10th May / dydd Gwener 10fed mis Mai ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

The Punch Bowl coffee machine is basic with dried milk, so don’t expect barista quality, but the hot chocolate is good. They have a limited choice of beers, but excellently kept (I am told by my son). They did try hot bakes, but the regulars were not interested, so probably no food there. The room is probably the oldest pub room in Abingdon, recently refurbished, quiet, and extremely good for meeting to talk. The landlady is very friendly and seems keen to have us.

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I can’t make it to either meetup this week, nor unfortunately to see the guy from Bwncath on Wednesday, but I hope to see people again next week.

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Helo bawb - it looks as if summer has arrived/haf wedi cyrraedd.:sunny: A while back the idea was floated of moving Tuesday’s meetup to Abingdon’s Riverside Cafe when the weather warms up and after a quick poll :ballot_box: we’ve decided to give it a go this week. Our Friday (Twm Siôn Cati Day!), we’ll be meeting up in the Weston Library, as usual.

Also the Tuesday image meetup hasn’t been used lately so I’ve omitted it from this week’s details. There’ll still be the option, though, of an ad hoc Zoom meetup. Do get in touch if you’d like to give it a try. :slightly_smiling_face:

  • 13:00 Tuesday14th May/ dydd Mawrth 14eg mis Mai ( NB CHANGE: Riverside Cafe, Nag’s Head Island, Abingdon, OX14 3HX )
  • 12:00 Friday 17th May / dydd Gwener 17eg mis Mai ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

I’d be happy to give the Riverside Café a try out if anyone else would.


The weather forecast for Tuesday is not that great. It could go either way. Maybe give the Punchbowl another week and think about the Riverside Cafe later?
(I can come on Tuesday, but not the following Tuesday.)

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But happy to try Riverside since it seems the preferred option.


Just updated venue for Tuesday:

Helo bawb - another week and two more meetups to practise your Welsh, whether fluent brand new beginner. All welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

  • 13:00 Tuesday 21st May/ dydd Mawrth 21ain mis Mai ( Riverside Cafe, Nag’s Head Island, Abingdon, OX14 3HX )
  • 12:00 Friday 24th May / dydd Gwener 24ain mis Mai ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Helo bawb - it’s the last week in May already - do come and join us for one of our meetups, if you can. All welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

  • 13:00 Tuesday 28th May/ dydd Mawrth 28ain mis Mai ( Riverside Cafe , Nag’s Head Island, Abingdon, OX14 3HX - see map below )
  • 12:00 Friday 31st May / dydd Gwener 31ain mis Mai ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Helo bawb - this week, as usual, we have face-to-face meetups in Abingdon and in central Oxford. All welcome whether brand new learner or first language speaker. Do get in touch if you have any questions! :slightly_smiling_face:

  • 13:00 Tuesday 4th June/ dydd Mawrth 4edd mis Mehefin ( Riverside Cafe , Nag’s Head Island, Abingdon, OX14 3HX - see map in previous post )

  • 12:00 Friday 7th June / dydd Gwener 7fed mis Mehefin ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Helo bawb, Sorry I missed the last two due to work commitments. And unfortunately I’ve just tested positive for covid, so will not coming today :slightly_frowning_face:

Sorry to hear that Nigel. Hope you recover quickly and look forward to seeing you when you are better.

Oh, bad luck, Nigel - hope you’ll be soon on the mend

Helo bawb - a quick confirmation of this week’s meetups in Abingdon and Central Oxford

  • 13:00 Tuesday 11th June/ dydd Mawrth 11eg mis Mehefin ( Riverside Cafe , Nag’s Head Island, Abingdon, OX14 3HX - see map in previous post )
  • 12:00 Friday 14th June / dydd Gwener 14eg mis Mehefin ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

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