Oxford Welsh learners group

Helo bawb - there’ll be another Tuesday meetup in Abingdon this week, venue yet to be decided so suggestions for a venue welcome :slightly_smiling_face: Due to the Abingdon meetup there’ll be no Zoom session unless there are a couple of people who can’t make it to Abingdon. :

  • 12:00 Tuesday 12th March/ dydd Mawrth 12eg mis Mawrth ( via image - only if 2 or more can make it )
  • 13:00 Tuesday 12th March/ dydd Mawrth 13eg mis Mawrth ( venue in Abingdon tbc )
  • 12:00 Friday 15th March / dydd Gwener 15ed mis March ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

This week’s Abingdon meetup will be in R&R Cafe as before (suggestions for alternatives for following weeks - cafe or quiet pub - welcome! :slightly_smiling_face: )


Hi I have very recently joined SSi and done about 4 hours on AutoMagic. I live in Thame and I am very happy to travel to Oxford or Abingdon for forum gatherings but I can’t make tomorrow’s meeting. If you have a moderator/convener for the forum can you let me know about future meetings to add to my diary. Diolch yn fawr

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Hi Ken,
At the moment we meet on Tuesdays (in Abingdon or on Zoom) and Fridays in the Weston Library building in Oxford. John usually puts out a message on a Sunday with details of the week’s meetups and any other upcoming events - if you scroll up a bit you should see the most recent one. We also sometimes go for meals or walks yn y Gymraeg. Hope that helps, & hopefully we’ll see you at some point for a chat in Welsh.
Best wishes,

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Diolch yn fawr, Chris. I’m away in Ireland next week on grandparent duty but I’ll keep an eye out for messages now I’m in the loop. Hwyl, Ken.

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Helo bawb - with Tuesday Abingdon meetups starting to become a regular fixture now, there’ll be less call for the Tuesday Zoom sessions; these were originally introduced as a way of continuing to meet up during the Covid pandemic. We’ll still have ad hoc Tuesday Zoom’s but they’ll be by request on each occasion:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 19th March/ dydd Mawrth 19fed mis Mawrth ( via Zoom by request - do get in touch if your interested )
  • 13:00 Tuesday 19th March/ dydd Mawrth 19fed mis Mawrth ( The Punchbowl, 6 Market Place, Abingdon, OX14 3HG )
  • 12:00 Friday 22nd March / dydd Gwener 22ain mis March ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Helo bawb - some quick advance notice here that on 10th April Mark Davies will again be giving his talk on Oxford Welsh connections in the Florence Park Community Centre:

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Just spotted this concert on Saturday 13 April in the monthly listings in Nightshift magazine:

Rholben’s interpretations of the traditional music of Wales are full of tenderness, wit, and
deep emotion. The sublime voice of Siriol Davies, who grew up in South Wales, is
supported by thoughtful guitar, melodic double bass, sweeping, soaring strings, and
sumptuous vocal harmonies. Siriol takes the Welsh language songs and the tunes of her childhood and, together with some of the most highly respected and sought after traditional musicians to be found,
creates a sound that somehow feels light and current whilst also feeling as weighty and as
old as the hill from which they take their name.

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Helo bawb - as the Snug in The Punchbowl (Y Snyg yn Y Bowlen Pwnsh? :slightly_smiling_face: ) seems to have worked quite well as the venue for last Tuesday’s Abingdon meetup we’ll stick with that for the time being (NB Don’t forget that each Tuesday’s Zoom session will now only go ahead if there’s a prior request :slightly_smiling_face: ):

  • 12:00 Tuesday 26th March/ dydd Mawrth 26ain mis Mawrth ( via Zoom & only by request - do get in touch if your interested )
  • 13:00 Tuesday 26th March/ dydd Mawrth 26ain mis Mawrth ( TheSnug in The Punchbowl, 6 Market Place, Abingdon, OX14 3HG )
  • 12:00 Friday 29th March / dydd Gwener 29ain mis March ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Are you going to see Adwaith, Chris? I had found the studio versions of songs like Eto & Addo on Radio Cymru a bit too polished & poppy, but they seem to be a bit more post-punk live, so now I’m really looking forward to it!
Good live set here: https://youtu.be/coWHdeYDFT8?si=zia74tf6nD5LT63w

Anyone joining me in the Weston today?

Hi Richard - tbh I was wavering as I’ve not seen a band at the Jericho Tavern since sometime in my 20s but you’ve prompted me to buy a ticket now, so I’ll hopefully see you there.

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Sometime in my 30s, I think, but it’s definitely been a while :laughing:

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Pasg hapus i bawb! - if you’re away on holiday, hope you’re having reasonable weather. If not we’ll still be having our regular meetups in Oxford and now also in Abingdon. If you happen to be visiitng Oxford over the school holiday period you’d be very welcome to join us - if you are visiting Oxford but not on Friday, an ad hoc meetup might well be possible :slightly_smiling_face::

  • 12:00 Tuesday 2nd April/ dydd Mawrth 2fed mis Ebrill ( via Zoom & only by request - do get in touch if your interested )
  • 13:00 Tuesday 2nd Apri/ dydd Mawrth 2fed mis Ebrill ( The Snug in The Punchbowl, 6 Market Place, Abingdon, OX14 3HG )
  • 12:00 Friday 5th April / dydd Gwener 5ed mis Ebrill ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff
PS Don’t forget that Tuesday Zoom sessions are now only by prior request :slightly_smiling_face:

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S4C have just sent me an e-mail about programmes starting in April.
“Cysgu o Gwmpas yn dechrau 8 Ebrill am 8:00.”
Sleeping around??? With Beti George???
It turns out that it is a programme about places to stay. What a relief.


Hi John, I was hoping to make it to my first Weston Library session tomorrow but I’ve come back from Ireland with a generous germ gift from the grandchildren. I really don’t want to pass this on - it’s not nice. So I’ll have to pass this week Hwyl am y tro. See you soon I hope!

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Hi Ken - hope you’re soon feeling better. We’ll be looking forward to meeting you when you can make it.
Hwyl am y tro

Helo bawb - we’ve now set up a Facebook page (at the second attempt! :roll_eyes:) to advertise the Oxford group. You can check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2138459726511090/

Away from the virtual world, the now regular Tuesday Abingdon meetups are working well and on Friday, too, there were eight of us at the meetup in the Weston Library; this week meetups are following the same pattern:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 9th April/ dydd Mawrth 9fed mis Ebrill ( via Zoom & only by request - do get in touch if your interested )
  • 13:00 Tuesday 9th Apri/ dydd Mawrth 9fed mis Ebrill ( The Snug in The Punchbowl, 6 Market Place, Abingdon, OX14 3HG )
  • 12:00 Friday 12th April / dydd Gwener 12eg mis Ebrill ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Helo bawb - quick confirmation of this week’s meetups…

  • 12:00 Tuesday 16th April/ dydd Mawrth 16eg mis Ebrill ( via Zoom & only by request - do get in touch if your interested )
  • 13:00 Tuesday 16th Apri/ dydd Mawrth 16eg mis Ebrill ( The Snug in The Punchbowl, 6 Market Place, Abingdon, OX14 3HG )
  • 12:00 Friday 19th April / dydd Gwener 19eg mis Ebrill ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

… and don’t forget to check out our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2138459726511090/

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Helo bawb - as usual, meetups on Tuesday & Friday this week…

  • 12:00 Tuesday 23rd April/ dydd Mawrth 23ain mis Ebrill ( via Zoom & only by request - do get in touch if your interested )
  • 13:00 Tuesday 23rd Apri/ dydd Mawrth 23ain mis Ebrill ( The Snug in The Punchbowl, 6 Market Place, Abingdon, OX14 3HG )
  • 12:00 Friday 26th April / dydd Gwener 26ain mis Ebrill ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff