Northern Luxury Bootcamp - 17th to 24th April 2015

I’m seeing your booking, Anne :star:

One place left for 2015.

So we just have Young Blandford showing as ‘not paid’ - maybe we can get the Nigerian lawyer to forward his payment to us :sheep:

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I think!


All places gone then?

Oh, the Nigerian lawyer sent us Ian’s money. Good stuff.

No, Deb, there’s still one place left!

Only 1 space available.

According to the page as I type this.

still no email

That’s a sheep? Really? Eh… :cactus:

LLongyfarchiadau Mark!

deb–i just sent you a skype message–turn your skype on!

thanks anyway, jen, I tried!

oh no! I’m so sorry you missed it! :frowning:

I’m in woohoo! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Very sorry to anyone who missed out on this because Aweber was unusually laggy - I can see that there are a few of you who came very close, and I feel really bad about that.

The next time round, we’ll have a different set up - I’ll post the link on the forum 10 minutes before putting it in the email, and that way everyone on the forum will have an equal advantage.

Really looking forward to seeing repeat Bootcampers and meeting new ones!

For those of you who missed it this time round:

Catrin says she is determined to do her own Bootcamp once both the kids are at school all day - which would be September next year - so it looks as though 2015 will actually see two luxury northern Bootcamps for the first time :sunny:


Well I wish I’d known that!! I’ve been waiting for a Catrin Bootcamp!! :slight_smile: Maybe I’ll just have to do two! :slight_smile:


Will that Bootcamp feature cakes heavily?


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Tell me what you reckon, Stu? :cake:

Sorry, Jen! I’ll make sure she does a day or two in April as well :fireworks:


You had better start saving up then Jen!

It must be so disappointing for people who just miss out. I got the last place for the March bootcamp 2014, and I was so happy to make it! I’d have been very disappointed otherwise. This year I was “on it” the minute the email came in! I’m sure there will be other opportunities for those that missed out today.