Working through level 2 - a question on word order…I think I am gradually tuning into the fact that the contents of a sentence can be switched around far more than I had realised - for emphasis - and I am expecting this to be the answer…however.,.
I am moderately sure that at school I was taught ‘Does dim plant gyda ni’ but in level 2 ‘plant’ brings up the rear. Is either valid? Is it another option for emphasis, a feature of the flavour of Welsh that I learnt or is my memory incorrect? (Very possible)
What I learned at school seems to only bear a passing resemblance to what people actually use it seems, so I’m not offering this as a particularly useful reference point(!) - the question is more about right/ wrong/ either.
( Do they still teach kids what seems to be described as literary Welsh now - or has it moved on?)
I believe what you have quoted is the usual southern Welsh way of expressing it.
The normal northern Welsh would be “Does gynnon ni ddim plant”.
However, I believe this version can also be ordered: “does dim plant gynnon ni”.
The only reason I can think for doing that would be for a change of emphasis.
I suspect you could also reorder the southern Welsh version in a similar way for the same reason, but I would not like to say for sure, as I’ve only really studied the northern courses/levels.
I’d imagine that at A level and in university, they have to learn how to write a formal essay, and at uni, probably study literature. But no doubt someone who actually knows will reply in due course.
[Clarification on the schooling part of the question] The version that I was taught seems to be described as ‘literary’ Welsh in the books now - with full blown rydw, roedden, doedden etc. I was curious as to whether the version of Welsh taught now hangs on to this form as some sort of pure foundation or whether it is closer to the spoken version which is very different?