Nasal mutation after "a"?

In Level 1 Challenge 19, one statement is “…, and I had a good time”. The answer was “…, a ges i amser da”. But as “ges” comes from “cael”, I thought c mutated to ch after “a” for “and”, so would have expected “a ches i amser da”. Does the nasal mutation only apply to nouns rather than verbs?

Yes, c should - to be 100% grammatically correct - mutate to ch after ‘a’ (and), but it’s extremely common for people not to use the aspirate mutation as much as the soft and nasal ones, so you will hear ces and ges rather than ches in many cases.
One reason for using ges is because the positive particles ‘mi’ (Northern) or ‘Fe’ (Southern) have caused a soft mutation but then fallen off - that’s also very common in speech.


Ah, that makes perfect sense (and also explains the “ges” which I admit was puzzling me too!)

Diolch yn fawr!