I’ve been struggling with Level 2 Challenge 15, where the English “THAT” is translated in three different ways. I’ve seen some posts in the forum where other people have asked similar, but I don’t really understand the answer - something about taw means it’s emphatic, and something about a “pretorite”, but I don’t really know what that means in practice.
Here are the three examples from Level 2 Challenge 15 that seem similar in structure, but have different ways of saying “that”. How do I work out which one to use each time?
You thought that I shouldn’t take too much of a risk
O’t ti’n meddwl NA ddylen i ddim cymryd gormod o risg -
Are you sure that is the best thing to do?
Wyt ti’n siwr TAW dyna’r peth gorau i wneud? -
I thought you said that you’d better not take too much of a risk
O’n i meddwl i ti ddweud BOD well i ti beid cymryd gormod o risg