Although Merched y Wawr is a social group specifically for women, they are keen to support anyone learning Welsh and often hold “learner’s nights” where they welcome both men and women of all ages to join them for a cuppa and an evening of chatting in Welsh. Here’s one coming up in Sir Benfro - though this one is a little different in that it’s an afternoon event and includes a walk!
Well, I’m not too much of a friend with Gography (as you know by now ) but is this a group you’ve told me about @margaretnock? (curiousity …)
My friend Rhian, secretary of the Carmarthen Merched Y War, asked me to talk to the group about my experiences as a learner, along with a couple of other people who have learned Welsh, which I did last week. She also invited the other members of the SSIW group which meets in Carmarthen and @billigog and @annmoore came. Bill found himself part of the panel being interviewed as well. He did very well as the only chap in the room.
Wow! I obviously rememberred well what I’ve been told … Da iawn ti i siarad yna!
I would go but it is the same day as the first round of Dysgwr y Flwyddyn in the Monmouth.
Hope to meet you there then. When is your interview?
I live about 11 miles from the Bridges Centre in Monmouth.
Autocorrect strikes again - but with quite a funny result!
Hadn’t even noticed, but then you are the proof reader come editor and I’m not.
Problem with autocorrect is that it changes things after you’ve moved on to the next bit, so you don’t notice a lot of the time. Really sneaky. And the number of times I change something back to how I wanted it (Welsh) only to find that the blooming thing doesn’t believe me and changes it back to English again! Grrr…
Every time I see some message like this I wonder why people don’t simply switch Auto Correct off. This is the first thing I do when I get new phone, tablet or whatever because I know there are only problems with that especially if I have native language in use. Auto Correct isn’t made properly for this purpose and causes many problems.
My eye noticed but my brains just didn’t want to react …
Personally, I prefer Merched y War by a very considerable margin. In fact, I don’t think I will ever again be able to think of them by any other name…
Is this something specific to the Camarthen group or do all Merched y Wawr groups welcome Welsh learners or do you need to be fluent or a first language speaker to join?
I think they’re usually very welcoming of and supportive of learners, but you do need to be willing to stay in Welsh rather than switching back to English - so while you certainly wouldn’t need to be fluent, it’s probably not a good fit for early stage learners.
Perhaps that will be my challenge after I manage my first bootcamp!
It’s part of their mission to welcome learners, but after your first boot camp you will be quite good enough to attend. You won’t understand everything, but you will understand enough. Go for it!