Melbourne SSIWers?

Hi Lynne, I’m not a regular at the Welsh church unfortunately, so I might not be the best person for this. If I go again I’ll ask for you, but I’m not sure when that would be.

And I know in our group we have brought up the idea of having a mini-immersion (or at least intensive) event for those interested, but so far it’s just been an idea. Next time I go to a meet-up (I’ll be missing tomorrow’s - why do friends have to have birthdays?) I’ll bring it up again and see if we can maybe settle on a firmer idea. I’m definitely keen!

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Thanks for that Alex. I’ll bring it up at our Skype group this week.

Shwmae paub,

Here in Melbourne we move into Gwanwyn (Spring). It has been wet as this last few weeks, But this Sunday, 16 October we are going to meet up at Chesterfied Farm ( in Scorsby to practise our Cymraeg. We last went there in April. Back then we had hoped for conversation, but only had one at that level, Now siarad ar y symud (talking on the move), is happening. So all wecome to come and join in… We are meeting at the front at 10am.

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Shw mae, Stevo.

Ydi’r grwp yn Rowville yn dal i fynd ymlaen? Es i yno ym mis Hydref a doedd neb yno. Roedd dyn newydd arall yno ar yr un pryd yn aros a dyn ni ddim yn siwr a oes gwerth mynd eto ddydd Sul nesaf, 6ed Tachwedd. Allwch chi gadarnhau a fydd y grwp yn cwrdd yr wythnos hon.

Is the group continuing in Rowville? I went in October but there was no-one there. There was another new man there at the same time waiting and we’re not sure if it’s worth going again next Sunday 6th November. Can you confirm if the group is meeting this week.



Shwmae Robert a paub,

Mae’n ddrug da fi.

I am so sorry I haven’t communicated clearly. We had intended to meet at the Library for three months and review it so as to possibly meet outside in warmer months. This Sunday the 6th November our group has decided to meet at Moonlit Sanctuary in Pearcedale at 10am.

I will go to the Library on the 20th November at 1pm.

In December (which as I have kids, is all over the place for me) we have no meet ups planned and were going to start again next year.


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I’d like to add my apology to Steve’s - I should have come back on here and said explicitly that the library meetings weren’t continuing past September, since the original info’s a fair way up the thread by now and not a lot of attention was drawn to it in the first place.

I can definitely make it to Rowville on 20 November as well, hopefully we can all meet and have a chat and discuss what we might want to do, if anything, over the summer and beyond!

Sorry again to have misled you and sorry you wasted a trip - hope we can make up for it in the future :slight_smile:

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Having successfully made it to the same place at the same time last Sunday, we’ve decided to go for two in a row and do the same thing this coming weekend! Sunday 27 November, Rowville Library, 1 till 4, everybody welcome! See you there!

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Hi everyone, I meant to post this a bit earlier in the week but completely forgot, I’m going to be at Rowville library tomorrow afternoon, in case anyone wants to come along and have a chat. I’ll be there at 1 o’clock in the usual place (the room to the side where people can study). I’ll hang around maybe until 2 or so, since I’ve got some work I can do, but if nobody’s there by around that time I might head off. Of course, if people do come along, I’ll stay a bit longer :slight_smile:

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