Looking To Meet Other Learners In Llanelli


I don’t know if I’m posting in the right section so feel free to move this post! Myself and my husband have just moved to Llanelli from Somerset and I am looking to meet other learners in the local area or groups that meet up to help improve my Welsh. I have completed Course 1 and am halfway through Level 1 so I am a beginner really but I am really keen to become a fluent Welsh speaker. At the moment I don’t have anyone to practice with and I lack the confidence to start a conversation with a stranger. I exhange Good Mornings with my Welsh Speaking colleagues but haven’t ventured any further than that!

If anyone knows of any friendly groups locally or fancies a coffee to help me with all my Welsh questions or to go through practice please contact me :slight_smile:




Hi Gillian,

I know of this meetup in Porth Tywyn (Burry Port) and I’ve heard recently that it’s still going and a friendly group:

Porth Tywyn (Burry Port) - Fri, 12.00, Caffi Lolfa, Burry Port

I’ll pop a note in the weekly email though, as a few of the people doing the 6 Month course were asking about Llanelli area too.

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Thank you for your reply. I work full time so am hoping for a weekend or evening thing. I’d definately be interested in a Llanelli meet if it was outside work hours :slight_smile:


Hi Gillian,

I live in Llanelli and am on Week 14 of the 6month course (so just ‘finished’ Level 1 though not able to use it all functionally yet). Maybe we should just go ahead and set something up, even if it’s just the two of us at first. Build it and they will come and all that.

Feel free to message me.



Hi Ant,

Thanks for replying. I have had a couple of PM’s from people who might be interested in meeting up with one lady suggesting a local group, maybe a fortnightly or monthly meet? When she has got back to me we could arrange a date and venue?


Hello. There was talk of a group starting up in Y Lle in Old Castle Road.
I’m not sure of progress but will make enquires as I’d also be interested.
As an additional source of practice have you come across Duolingo.
I’ve recently started with the NHS and they encourage the use of Welsh.
Duolingo is one of the free apps they recommend.
As you use it there will be an advert at the end of each lesson and you get asked if you’d like to view more.
It does state that the adverts support free learning but not viewing does not restrict it’s use.
Also it does offer the option to pay for the course in which case the adverts are stopped.
A really useful app which supports SSiW.


Yes I have heard of Duolingo. I do have the app but don’t do it quite as regularly as I should! I have had contact from a lady called Ali who is keen to help start a local group. She has suggestes the Stradley Arms in Furnace and is going to pop in and speak to the manager. She has lots of good ideas about the meetings and ideas for what we can do to improve our Welsh. Is anyone interested in meeting there? I don’t have a day set yet. :slight_smile:

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Hi, I don’t live in Llanelli but I visit regularly. I would be interested in meeting up. I couldn’t be there fortnightly, but I would arrange visits to coincide as often as possible.

Hi there is now a regular Llanelli meet arranged for Monday evenings starting on 11th June. See Ali’s new post for details :slight_smile:

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Alison has made a poster for the new meetup starting in Furnace, Llanelli:

Stradey Arms Llanelli.pdf (50.0 KB)

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I live just across the other side of the Loughor Bridge in Gorseinon so might be able to make the Club Clecs although not for the first evening unfortunately. Do we just turn up?

Hi Karen!
Yes turn up as and when you can.
I’m hoping there will be structure in that we will have a theme each week to aid with conversational flow and encourage learning. We will also have some fluent welsh speakers who have said they will come when they can.
The order of the day will be ‘dim saesneg a llawer o doniol.’
… I should have badges, coffee mats and biro’s for you all by then, hopefully!!!


Thanks (again!) to Ali for her initiative in getting this up and running while I sat around thinking it might be a good idea to maybe, you know, kind of, like, try and get something going, maybe, sometime. The group is now on Facebook and Twitter (because I’m far better at wasting my time online when I should be doing something else than I am at doing -erm- something else). Please spread the word by liking and sharing etc. if that’s your kind of thing.



Ah great, All. I might try to join the FB gp. Its me if you het a strange request. Also might pop in to the actual meeting if ok with you all.
Edit…some time if ok.

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Please do John. We’re all in this together! :black_flag:󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Hope to see you there John. As you may have seen, it’s a Facebook page rather than group I’ve set up, so nothing to ‘join’, though I may well set up a group if looks as though some people may want to keep in touch beyond the confines of Monday nights at the Stradey.

I posted a tweet with a few learners’ organisations and local press etc tagged in. It picked up a few retweets but I think it was @Scarlets_rugby sharing it this morning that’s led to most of the 8,000+ views!

As I mentioned to Ali earlier, we’re in trouble if they all turn up!


Hi. Im here. Just thinking, who knows what could happen if Tommo gets involved. :grin:

Hi. I’m hoping to pop along next week, although I am only on week 5, so can’t say much yet!