Level 1 challenge 22 confusion

I’m really struggling with this challenge. Even after listening to the bits about people thinking I shouldn’t read a book at the 2-3 minute mark, I still couldn’t work out what was being said and couldn’t repeat it. And at 4 mins, “my father wanted to watch” seemed to be “oedd fy nhad i moyn gwylio…” but why not “roedd”? Isn’t “oedd” a question rather than a statement?

You are correct that oedd is the standard interrogation form, and grammar books teach roedd for positive statements and doedd for negative statements. But in spoken Welsh, people sometimes use oedd for statements as well. (Occasionally you’ll hear oedd in negatives as well, but not as often)


“Nobody needs to tell me that I shouldn’t read that book” = “Does dim ishe i neb dweud wrtha i na ddylwn i ddarllen y llyfr 'na”


Ahhh! Nawr dw i’n deall! Diolch!

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Diolch yn fawr, Henrik!

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Shwmae Chris,
Don’t get too stuck on précision. Just as in English, Welsh speakers abbreviate words. You will just have to absorb lots of new information at the start of your journey into this lovely language. I see that Hendrik and Siaron have explained done of the points so no need to go over that ground. It will all eventually click and you’ll have your Eureka moment. Croeso i deulu SSiW. Pob lwc gyda dy daith di…
Gareth Mitchell