Lesson 22 - nage / nagu?

bit stumped - lesson 22 has a word that sounds like nage or nagu - it’s in a sentence where I think it had something like “she doesn’t like football” or similar- I got it wrong obviously as I’ve not heard that word before- what does it mean please?

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It’ll be nac, nag, or a similar variation, which is a negation word. One of the simplest examples is when you say no - nac ydw/nac oes/nac ydy, etc. Basically “not yes” :joy:

The “nag” crops up in sentences where you would have “bod” as a joining word for a positive statement, e.g.
“He says that she likes football” - Mae fe’n dweud bod hi’n hoffi pêl-droed
“He says that she doesn’t like football” - Mae fe’n dweud nag yw hi’n hoffi pêl-droed

See if the sentence you’re hearing is similar to that one.

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yes that sounds correct- no way would I have known that though- thank you!

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This is it?