Latest details - Rescue mission for Saith Seren

Yes, that’s Steve Eaves. I was at the gig too, had a great time. It was brilliant to see the Saith Seren llawn dop and everyone enjoying themselves. Hopefully there will be lots more evenings like that and the Saith Seren is here to stay. Yma o hyd!


Yes, that’s Steve Eaves… :sunny:


… although he doesn’t look much like that these days. :blush:

And to his right is his daughter, Manon Steffan Ros, with a light shining under her chin looking like she’s about to read a horror story to us. :joy:


Otherwise known as Blodau Gwylltion, for those of you cross-referencing threads. :smile:


Perfect! I knew this isn’t fresh material though but I’m buyig it then. Just wanted to know if this is the right one Steve Eaves I found. Thank you all for taking time to give me replies. :slight_smile:

Haha … and she didn’t read one after all …

@gruntius you should really write books. Every post is like a literature which read with high anticipation and interest.

Not that other members don’t post quality posts (so that you wouldn’t understand me wrong though.) They do too, but those of @gruntius are extra special. :slight_smile:

(woops … off topic again).

To be (a little) on topic - anything new regarding giving money @aran ? (yes, yes, I know, I said I’ll wait patiently … :slight_smile: )

Now I know everything :slight_smile: Diolch. nice article by Aled Lewis Evans.

I have no idea how to post a link so I hope this works.


I’m just waiting for Paypal details from Saith Seren :sunny:

The link worked perfectly, Geraint, Diolch yn fawr - those pole dancers really are something aren’t they? :laughing:
To be serious (for a change) it was indeed a nice celebratory article. One thing caught my eye, though - was the guy standing behind Steve Eaves holding his ears :question:

I’ve had confirmation that my pledge will be taken from june onwards but that, of course, does not apply to the pledgers tramor

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Steve Eaves can’t actually speak Welsh so that guy is telepathically transmitting the speech to him. All very secret so don’t tell anyone.

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Wrth gwrs. Twp ydw i. Dylwn i wedi sylweddoli. :blush:


I don’t want to be pushy but it’s half a month from the date that Saith Seren was set to be closed so question over and over again: Anything new regarding our pledges from abroad?

Sorry me being annoying but I’m worried. And (sorry again) I don’t want to be forgotten in this matter.


You’re not going to be forgotten, Tatjana :sunny:

I got back to work yesterday, and received the Paypal details - so I’ll be sending messages to everyone over the course of this week :sunny:

OK. Just that it wouldn’t be too late.

I’m sorry for being annoying once again but my life consists of wories and fears. The case is that when I’m excited about something I can be helpful with it almost always turns out for me to be too late or things go different way… (Karma probably :slight_smile: )

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Hi everyone,
I’m a member or the Saith Seren committee and a long time member of SSIW. By now Aran will have emailed you all thanking you for your huge generosity in contributing to the Centre - and inviting you to come and have a drink on us - but I wanted to add my personal thanks to this amazing group of people who refused to let this go.

Many, many thanks - dioch o gallon pawb.

Steve Kynaston


It’s now December and have not received any email about paying by paypal


Tagging @aran here for special awareness of this. :slight_smile:

… my eyesight when reading is very ‘flaky’ so I read this as ‘’ and received the Papal details " which had me pondering about when you were to be beatified. And given the progress of Level 2 in Welsh and Spanish it is well deserved.



I’ll drop you a line before the end of the week, Dale… :sunny:

Dw i dddim wedi clywed dim byd chwaith, Aran. Ga i dalu efo Visa? Dw i ddim erioed wedi defnyddio Paypal.