Latest details - Rescue mission for Saith Seren

Bydda i’n dy roi di mewn cysylltiad efo Saith Seren - cyn diwedd y dydd - byddan nhw’n gallu dweud sut maen nhw’n gallu derbyn taliadau eraill… :sunny:

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Guy, dw i wedi gofyn i Carrie gysylltu efo chdi… :sunny:

@dale - thanks for the heads up - you can subscribe via Paypal by going to:

And diolch yn fawr iawn for your support… :star: :star2:

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Diolch yn fawr Aran, mi anfonais i ebost i Carrie.

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Of course, it could be that the Vatican just want to immerse themselves in the Welsh language, Latin being relatively a relatively modern upstart!!



Now, I’ll bump this theread up as something strange has hppened to me and I’d like to know if someone else was/is experiencing this.

Well, to make my story short (once for a change) I was certain until today that I contribute my pledged share of money wothout any disturbances but going through my PayPal summary I’ve (unpleasantly) found out that my re-occuring payment to SaithSeren stopped - was suspended - on 13th April. Now I wonder if they’ve canceled the in campaign last year gained funding or it is just kind of system thingy on PayPal.

Also, if the “crowd funding” we’ve managed to raise through campaign last year is still going on, I’d like to know if I can use the link of the SaithSeren site @aran published few posts ago last year and settle another re-occuring payment. PayPal system doesn’t allow ne (doesn’t give me the option) to renew the existing contract/re-occuring payment. I am aware every little is important so I wouldn’t like to be the one who’s funds are missing in their budget.

Any ideas.



Shwmae Tatjana.
My last payment to Saith Seren went through this month, and I recently received their monthly e-bost, so they haven’t stopped taking funds. It’s probably payments through PayPal that are affected. My payments are made through GoCardless via Direct Debit. Not sure how you will be able to re-establish your payments other than by looking back through any of the newsletters they’ve sent you if you stil have them. There might be a contact number on them…


Thank you @faithless78.

I’ve subscribed to letters but never got one so here obviously went something wrong too, but somehow I didn’t bother with that until now. Since my monthly re-occuring payment - yes it was through PayPal and @aran set the link for me that time - were dismissed I’ll probably go through the link from one of the previous post and see what I can do. I hope it isn’t the case they cancelled payments from abroad rather then payments made by PayPal themselves.

However I’ll wait for some days in case there’s someone else paying through PayPal and encountering the same problems.

Thanks very much for letting us know - my guess is that it’s a PayPal problem - I’m pretty tight for time this week, but if you can remind me when I’m back from Monte Carlo I’ll put some time aside to figure it out… :sunny:

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Don’t worry. I’ll try that link from previous post you’ve posted. I’ve clicked already and it looks fine. What I don’t know though is it for 1 time donation or you can donate monthly. If it’s one time payment I’ll let you know after you come back from Monte Carlo.

It’s just that PayPal usually let you renew the contract but this time it doesn’t let me to do so.

Thakk you.

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OK, @aran now I’ve done two things:

  • I have donated through their donation page but it lets you set re-occuring payment for only 10 GBP
  • I have written to them using both - PayPal and official e-mail address asking them if they could alter the re-occuring payment contract so that amount would be as it was before or let me know how I can do that by myself.

Now I just can wait and see if anything happens and with a bit of luck you won’t need to do anything regarding my trouble at all.

Unfortunately for such important matters I just had to resort to English not to be missunderstood but hopefully one day I’d be comfortable enough with Cymraeg to write such important issues in it also.

I’ll post outcome of happenings in case anyone else would have such troubles.


Really appreciate this, Tatjana - diolch o galon i ti :star: :star2: :sunny:

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Dim problem. Diolch i ti! :slight_smile:

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On May 11th I’ve got this letter in my e-mail which I unfortunately don’t check too often but am happy to share it with you if you missed it also.

Mae croeso i chi rannu’r fidio bach yma sy’n adrodd hanes Saith Seren, a’r sefyllfa heddiw, un flwyddyn yn union ar ôl i ni gael ein hachub gan eich cefnogaeth chi.

Yng ngeiriau Dafydd Iwan, rydyn ni ‘Yma o Hyd’, ac yn falch iawn o barhau i ddarparu canolfan gymunedol Gymreig ar gyfer pobl Wrecsam a’r ardal i ddod i gymdeithasu a dathlu ein diwylliant.

Diolch o galon i chi am eich cefnogaeth

Please feel free to ‘share’ this video which explains the history of Saith Seren, and the situation today, exactly one year after your support saved us from closure.

In the words of Dafydd Iwan, we’re still here (Yma o Hyd), and are proud to continue to provide a Welsh community centre for the people of Wrexham and beyond to come and socialise and celebrate our culture.

Thank you again for your support

Just thought you’d like to know and see the videos …


It’s already two weeks since I’ve posted this and written to Saith Seren through both mails but I have sadly to announce there was no answer to my mail from either of their e-addresses. I also have discovered, going through my PayPal mail a bit more carefully, that they suspended my payments by themselves and there’s no reason stated why.

So, if here’s still @stevek comming on here occassionally and he’s still member of Saith Seren Commitee I’d appriciate him doing some research on my cancelled payment and dropping me a word or two through PM here.

Thank you.

Hi Tatjana. Diolch yn fawr iawn am rannu’r fidio. Gobeithio bod pawb o SSIW yn gweld trwy’r cylchlythyron a’r fidio cymaint o bethau sy’n digwydd yn Saith Seren i gynnal yr iaith Gymraeg. Ni fyddai hyn yn digwydd yn Wrecsam heb eich cefnogaeth, ac rydyn ni’n hynod o ddiolchgar i chi.

Dwi’n ymddiheuro bod problemau wedi codi efo’ch taliad. Nai gysylltu gyda Steve K a rheolwr y ganolfan bore ma.

Diolch, Chris

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Diolch o galon @christopher_r_evans_. Bydda i’n aros am beth mae’n degwidd nessa. :slight_smile: Os cwestin gyda Chi eu hanfon nhw mewn PM.

Diolch yn fawr iawn un waith eto.


Thank you once again @stevek and @christopher_r_evans_ as I was contacted by Centre Manager Carrie Harper yesterday.

Unfortunately this spears no time for @aran to set me another link as he did before a year. So Aran when you return from Monte Carlo I’d be happy if you’d be willing to put some time and effort into this matter and set me another link.

Thank you all for now.


Hi Tatjana - will do - it seems to be Paypal making difficulties, as they are fond of doing - I have a very large amount of things to catch up with this week, but if I haven’t found time by the end of the week, email me, and I’ll get it done early next week :sunny:

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Thank you @aran. I know you have million (18 millions as you said once for how many things @CatrinLliarJones has in store to do and I liked that one) things to do and they’re all much more important so if you wouldn’t find the time I might invent something else, like opening more 10 GBP contracts … :slight_smile: But I’ll wait until next week though.

Happy catching up. Yah … a lot happened and a lot of work awaits to be done …

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