Latest details - Rescue mission for Saith Seren


This is amazing, thank you to everyone. I will continue to go at every opportunity to support and take advantage of this brilliant resource in Wrecsam. And to kick it off the great Steve Eaves is performing there on Friday night. Please come along too, there are still some tickets available. Their phone number is 01978 447006.

Aran, please think about coming, there is a free pint waiting there. You will be treated as a hero (because you are).


Iā€™ll second that. It would be great to see you at the Saith Seren, Aran, we have so much to thank you for, diolch o galon eto!
Itā€™s great to know that tonightā€™s Sesiwn Siarad will not be the last!!!
Iā€™ve got tickets for Steve Eaves, dw iā€™n edrych ymlaen at Nos Wener!

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Yes, I canā€™t make it tonight because Iā€™m working so Iā€™m really looking forward to my next one. :+1:


Bit gutted we canā€™t make the Steve Eaves gig, especially since Manon is going to be on backing vocals - but Catrinā€™s choir have a performance that night which is their last for a while, and I havenā€™t seen them yet, so itā€™s a done deal.

Thereā€™ll be other chances, though :sunny:


Any chance theyā€™re anywhere on YouTube or so to be heard by a ā€œstrangerā€ who doesnā€™t live in Cymru? :slight_smile:

Love choirs especially if theyā€™re big! :sunny:

I donā€™t think they are yet, but @CatrinLliarJones will be able to confirm when she next gets a chance to be online :sunny:

Would be very pleased, thank you.

Any ideas already how we from abroad will make our pledges come true for Saith Seren now?

Sorry Iā€™ll explode out of excitement that we actually make it and Iā€™d possibly be able to help with my share. (I hope am excused for my annoying attitude. :slight_smile: )

I think in most cases it will probably be Paypal, but I need to talk to the board about our choices tonight :sunny:

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I hope two things: that they actually decide to stay open and that we from abroad will be able to give our share. Otherwise :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :cry:

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Hereā€™s a link to a newspaper article from today about the Saith Seren.

It was quite lively at the Saith Seren last night, S4C dropped in last night to film an item for Newyddion!


I like the fact that campaign actually have many more pleasant side effects as we could ever imagine. I love that there are all media full of the reports about Saith Seren being saved. Publicity as it is right now can do only good. :slight_smile:


Let me be excused to annoy you but tomorrow is 16th. Any new details on how to pay pleadges from abroad? Or it is decided differently?

Thank you for your patience with me.

Iā€™ve just been a bit busy this week, Tatjana - I havenā€™t forgotten, but itā€™s likely to be next week we get it all implemented :sunny:

Yes, I know youā€™re busy all the time and sorry for bothering. I just feared it might be too late hence the day D as reported is tomorrow.

Iā€™ll calm down and wait patiently (if I could :slight_smile: )


Sorry this is a bit late but I have to tell you that I was at Saith Seren last Monday, just before the big meeting on Tuesday, and there was a real air of excitement and anticipation amongst those that were there.
Although only about a dozen turned up the noise level was fantastic!
Although I donā€™t live in Wrexham Iā€™m not far away so Iā€™ll be travelling up for next Mondayā€™s get together which Iā€™m sure is likely to be something very special.
Llongyfarchiadau i bawb. Dwiā€™n edrych ymlaen at y dyfodol


I was at the Steve Eaves gig on Friday night, the night before the proposed closure, and what a fantastic night it was. I wonā€™t mention the sound problems that plagued the night and concentrate on the positive. Mr. Eaves and his band (including his daughter on backing vocals) were really excellent and lived up to the reputation. The place was llawn dop which gives real encouragement for the future survival of this important venture. Mark Jones got up and said a few words to thank everyone involved and obviously @aran got a mention and a huge, well deserved round of applause.

Hereā€™s to the future of y Saith Seren.


Did I found the right one?

Sorry, I donā€™t know, that link doesnā€™t work on my phone. Anyone else?

This is screenshot. I hope youā€™d be able to recognize from it. Other link I donā€™t have at the moment.

(sorry for offtopic though) :slight_smile:

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