Latest details - Rescue mission for Saith Seren

Yes, it’s an important point - if Saith Seren get over this now, the next time they put in a grant application and can say ‘We have £x per annum coming in as donations’ it will make it much harder to refuse…

Good luck with your project! :sunny:

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I’ve set mine up too :smile:

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Diolch o galon :star2:

Ok, Go Cardless Direct Debit auth is done. Already pledged above (don’t count me twice!) but now committed technically as well as in principle.

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What’s the easiest way for get people who aren’t on Facebook, or even not online, to donate? I’ve tried pasting the link into a text message but it didnt work. I’ve just told the ones who are online to Google ‘Rescue mission for Saith Seren’ and follow the links. There are plenty of people like this who will donate (I’ll sort my parents tonight) so there will be more to come!

I’ve just shared @aran 's blog and his G+ article which when reblogs and publishes also goes to FB and Twitter so hopefully it will have some impact. The best it seamed to me that people rather read original post then my interpretation which might not be as good as his is. :slight_smile:

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Hey Aran, I’ve just had a thought. I get winter fuel payments which I don’t need and so give it to charity. As it happens there’s still £100 in the kitty so the appeal can have that too.


Not on Facebook - tell them to go to

Not online - if they can contact me somehow to pledge, then if we get to the point where Saith Seren decide to keep the doors open, I’ll get back in touch to figure out payment details.

Thank you all so much for your support - Bryan, that’s hugely generous of you, superb.

We’re now, to my surprise, up to £500 in set-up, ready-to-go payments, another £125 in promises (mostly from overseas) and then about £700 or a bit more in promised one-off payments.

That’s £7,500 a year pledged - it’s starting to look genuinely do-able to me :sunny:


It’s just a matter of Aran getting the receiving bank’s details, so the person off-line can fix up a standing order or money transfer with their own bank. That’s for UK only, I guess!!

As some will know, I’m preparing for a move to South Wales in just over 3 weeks time. With this move comes a new job with much lower salary than my current one for at least the next 3 years, so over this past week I have been looking closely to how I can squeeze this into my new budget.
It works out to around £2-2.50 a week, which I can realistically save from my food budget (I need to go on a diet anyway! ;)) so… I have pledged a monthly contribution of £10 to this worthy cause.
I do hope this useful resource stays open and one day be able to visit Saith Seren myself!


So do I. I never even being to Cymru what to Saith Seren. …

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£10.00 pledged. Hope it’s successful. I’m from Wrecsam and visit Saith Seren when I go home - it would be a sad day if it closed. The part of the town near Chester Street is very pretty as well. Wrecsam gets a lot of bad press and the closure of Saith Seren would be a blow to the community.

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In my eyes, your story makes your pledge all the more valuable and valued. :star:


That’s fantastic! If you dont mind I would like to put your post up on my Facebook page. I know quite a few local Welsh speakers who have the money but haven’t registered as yet, and I hope your post will shake them out of their apathy. Thank you so much. Chris

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Superb, all of you.

Currently up to £580 set up payments, £125 promised on top of that, and about £850 in one-off payments promised - so that’s about £8.5k a year. A lot more to do, but Saith Seren have now decided to support the campaign in public and will be sending out a press release, and we’ll be getting some paper forms printed up for them to distribute for people who aren’t on the internet or would rather not do it online. :sunny:


YES! This is how I imagined it to be! I love this! We should succeed! :sunny:


I have just set up my Gocardless account in favour of SSIW but there was no specification of an amount so I presume this will default to the £10 you have suggested?
I think the principal of supporting Saith Seren is gwych but I have some reservations about pouring this money into landlord’s pockets indefinitely and I can’t help wondering if it would be better spent on a mortgage (very cheap at present), perhaps on a different property, which may be more sustainable and worthwhile for future generations. I appreciate the funding stream would have to be very stable to allow this but a £2000 a month mortgage would fund a building of getting on for a million pounds so perhaps you would need less than that. Maybe it could be owned by SSIW for the long term rather than having to have rescue missions every few years.
Anyway, pob lwc

Yes, that’s absolutely right :sunny:

I think that’s a good idea, and I know that the board of directors would very much like to be able to purchase the property - if they get enough support to keep the doors open, I’d imagine they’ll be redoubling their efforts to find a way to do exactly that :sunny:

And just this morning we’ve got over the £10k a year mark - pretty impressive, for 6 days of spreading the word.

Thank you everyone who has helped spread the word - please keep on doing so, even though it’s a bit repetitive!

And if you haven’t yet, you can read about it and support it here:
