
Hey everyone! Aran and Tom and I are ready to start Japanuary now. We’re having our first Japanese “chat” (having learnt no Japanese, so it won’t be very impressive) in half an hour or so.

Here’s an article on Japanuary if you want to read about our plan: Japanuary: Ten day challenge to learn Japanese launched in Wales

And if you want to follow along, we’ll be posting various livestreams etc and comments in general in this thread. Let us know how you’re doing, we’d love to hear that we’re not alone…


Aand we’re also live, setting up…


Still going… We will stop at seven for an “activation session”, whatever that means. If enough people are interested, we might try to stream it, or perhaps just record it and post it - the WiFi is terrible here so it’ll depend on what’s possible. But shout if you’re interested at all :slight_smile:


Sounds interesting to me.

Here is where we are on Day 2


We’ve more or less finished day 2! Japanese is pretty brutal (and we’re making notes on how to improve the course once this is over!), but I think I speak for all of us when I say that we’re feeling much more confident today than we did yesterday… Now I’m going to move on to some passive Japanese listening…


Not more than Finnish :smiley:
I’m way behind you , about 4 hours. Is it worth to wait for the improvements you mentioned ?


I believe you!

A pretty big improvement will come very soon in the form of an app update which will change the algorithm a little bit - I wouldn’t say that you need to wait for it necessarily, but if you’re really struggling a need a break, waiting for it can be a good excuse :sweat_smile:

In terms of the course changes, we’ll probably do them in a few different stages - instant fixes to make the start of the course a bit less scary first, then some general changes to the patterns to make it generally easier… But the good news is it works as it is, even if it’s so brutal! You just have to accept a LOT of discomfort.

I’ll watch the Finnish intensive closely and we’ll probably have some fixes for it too, but in the meantime the app update will affect all courses, so hopefully you’ll see that get a bit better too


I’m feeling pretty tired and intimidated going into day 3 - Tom and Kai are both quite a bit ahead of me, I spent a chunk of yesterday trying to get my app reset to the beginning, and I’m running on the trial webapp for now, to get the extra repetitions.

But even as the back marker of the team, I’m definitely getting some of the early signs of progress that Kai is talking about - I feel swamped with words that I can’t quite remember, but I’m starting to be able to do some small amounts of independent production.

I’m also starting to understand the scale of the ten day challenge - all I want to do today is sleep!


Definitely worth waiting for the next app release. It’s sooooo much better.

Morning of Day 3 Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yNsT8rdzeE

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Alright, this would definitely be way too brutal for me. :sweat_smile:

But complimenti to the three of you for persisting!

I think it would be interesting to have the chance to ask you a few questions about the experience, once you’ve finished and had a little time to rest!


Massive update today - we just had a 45-minute chat, 100% in Japanese. As in, real communication, where we said many things, understood what others said, and could respond with more than just “hai”.

We even tried to explain words to each other (we’re at very different levels in the course by now - Tom has been skipping forward like a madman), but that wasn’t very successful today. Perhaps we’ll do better tomorrow :wink: We will record the next session we do…

I would honestly be happy with how much we have already learned, but we will keep going and see where the next couple of days take us. Currently I created some makeshift listening exercises that I will play for many hours tonight, and we’re listening to the EASY JAPANESE Podcast for beginners that we’re already picking out many many words from. One of my main goals will be to broadly understand the podcast by the end of day 10, although obviously we’ll be missing a lot of random vocab


(If you want to see Tom skipping ahead like a madman:



Here’s a recording of one of my sessions for a change:


Sugoi!!! We’ve stayed in Japanese all evening, eating, listening to the podcast and watching an anime, pointing out and discussing words we hear, noticing patterns, explaining words to each other, and just in general saying whatever we can (the bagels are good, do you want to go to the other room, we should keep speaking Japanese tomorrow). Often it takes a while to understand but it’s only been a couple times we got so stuck that we gave up and used a few words of English.



I used to listen to the Welsh recordings (SSiW) around 3-5 times. it was the only way I felt I would cope with it - ie have it hard, but just about within reach. To this day, I can still picture where I was (often driving around) when learning certain vocab.

Pob lwc, Japanese style.


Any updates on this? I can’t wait to hear some of these conversations!


We’ve been filming some stuff (mostly Tom’s livestreams but we also filmed an hour of us trying to talk on day 6, if I recall correctly)

Most of the filming is happening tomorrow, day 10 - we’re going to Chester to a Japanese restaurant where we will try to talk to each other over some food and film that…

Then the morning after we will talk to Oliver again on zoom.

I believe all that will then be edited together and it should come out around the end of the month


How are you feeling about it? Are you quietly confident that we’re all about be blown away? Japanese is a category 4 language on the DLI rating scale and it takes their soldiers 64 weeks to learn. If you guys can converse after 10 days, it will be so inspiring!


I think we have learnt a huge amount and I really do think we will do quite well tomorrow and everyone will be amazed. I’m also looking forward to carrying on afterwards and seeing how far I get in a month of learning, and beyond. The rest of the month will be less intensive than these first 10 days, but I do prefer learning fast so I’m expecting to really be quite good at the 1 month mark…

Right this moment however, I’m thinking about how we could have done even better and I’m somehow (completely irrationally) finding it hard to believe that what we have will look that impressive. I think that over the past couple of days I’ve become used to all the stuff we can say and it’s kind of become the new normal to the point where I’m now just focusing on the stuff I can’t say.

Which is just part of the journey. Even when everything is amazing our brains find a way to focus on the negative :wink:

It’ll be good!

Aran and Tom are feeling much more positive right now! @aran @thomas-cassidy