Italian web app issues

I am doing the Italian course and currently trying to use the web app. It will give me a phase and then stop. For example I was given the phrase “do you say now” which I said the Italian for out load but then no responses from the app and it is just sitting there. I will try later and see if it resolves itself.

The phone app appears to be working fine though.

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That’s interesting! I’m having the exact opposite experience: the web app works well for me and the phone app is really frustrating. If I spend an hour with the phone app, the amount of practice I get (as registered by the app) could be anywhere from 15-40 minutes. Anything from 1/3 to 3/4 of the time is spent spooling and loading and restarting the app or my phone to get it working again.

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At the moment, with this kind of thing, it seems clicking pause and then play is necessary to kick it back into life - I think this is already on @rich 's list :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you mean the web app, Aran? If you mean the phone app, then I have to say my experience is a lot worse than you think. Pausing and unpausing rarely works. If there is a red circle or a yellow circle, it can work (and sometimes just waiting works for those); but if it’s a grey circle, then there’s no hope. Usually I have to kill the app. Surprisingly often, I even need to restart my phone.

I just went for a walk there in order to use the app, I was out for 50 minutes and spent 10 minutes on the Glossika app (more on that later). The other 40 minutes were spent trying to use your app and the app has registered around 5 minutes of learning activity, which seems about right. The other 35 minutes were spent waiting for it to work.

Today was particularly bad and I’m feeling pretty frustrated after spending 50 minutes of my break in the freezing cold for just 5 minutes of enjoyment with the Italian course. If it were usually that bad, I’d honestly just give up and only use the web app (which is only possible for me 2 or 3 times a week). Yesterday was a “good” day. I “only” spent about half the time waiting and the other half learning.

I have no problems with the web app and my phone is only a year old. I downloaded and used the Glossika app (which has a similar functionality to your app) as a check and it worked flawlessly, so I really don’t think the problem is my phone.

I love your method and this project (I even upgraded my data plan just to use your app) and I know you are all so busy with all this launch; but I hope you guys will find time to give the phone app some love.


Hi @martin-harte

Thanks for the feedback. The new release will be an improvement in the sense that it will flag up situations where the App has had a problem - almost invariably with the connection at a critical time.

It will flag this up and ask you to try again.

There are a couple of situations where the current version tries to press on…when this is ill advised. Our testing shows this prevents most of the scenarios we have looked at recently…

The reality is that the App is on a journey to be self sufficient / standalone. The release from the dependency of a connection at a critical moment will avoid almost all of the situations we are looking at now.

However the trick in getting from nowhere to somewhere is continuous improvement - and we are on that journey.

Currently we are enjoying all the beta courses in multiple languages which are made possible by this App - on iPhone, Android and Web - capable of picking up current users progress and running with it. That is something we could only dream of this time last year.

But there is a way to go on this journey and there will be lots of new things and improvements along the way. :wink:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Martin - I’m really sorry for that experience - we can confirm that basically every penny we can afford is going on improvements to the phone apps, as Rich has mapped out.

We’re at a very finely balanced point in our history as a company at the moment - any extra sales from the new courses will be money that we can put into developing the app faster, and that will accelerate the rate of improvement.

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That sounds really positive, thanks!

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Made it through 3 sentences today on the Web app before it stopping working again.

I haven’t tried the phone app today but generally, it is working okay for me. If there seems to be an excessive pause using the phone app I glance at it and have to hit play again. Also, I tend to get the session ready before I set into the cold as sometimes it can take a long time to load.


Don’t be sorry. Since the thread is about app problems and the other threads are mostly about problem translations, I might have given the wrong impression that this has been a negative experience overall. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I might start a thread about the positive stuff to balance it out. There’s lots I want to share!


It’s so weird that we’ve had mirror-image experiences. :joy:

Argh, sorry about that @Breandan. I am just having a quick listen as I type and it seems to be working for me :thinking: - strange. We’ll take a look at your account into the morning if that is OK?

Both of the handheld Apps have been approved and there is version of the Web App waiting to go with them…so we will have to have a quick look before we press the Go button on everything

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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No worries. I usually use the phone app during the week as I walk to and from work. It is just on the weekends that I tend to use the web app. The previous times that I have used the web app, I have had no issues. I wonder if I should clear my browser cache.


I’m delighted to hear that, and thank you for saying it :pray: :heart:

Quick update: I used the web app today for 20mins or so with no issues. It is the first time I have used it since my last post, been using the phone app as I like to do my lessons while walking.

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As mentioned in a previous post in a different thread, I can’t use the phone app at all at this point as it just crashes. It’s been like that since the last update. Even uninstalling and reinstalling the app doesn’t help. So I have only been using the web app since then.

The web app was working initially; but unfortunately, the silences have been getting longer and longer and are now becoming so long it’s almost unusable. It now takes well over a minute for just one complete item (the English prompt with two Italian responses).

I love the course, but I’m on the point of giving up here.

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Hi @martin-harte

We have two things coming down the line which will help to different degrees. Both are things which effect users with larger learning records

One is a simple setting change which improves the general responsiveness of the App.

The second is a change which will slash the amount of data which gets transferred - which should be the end of the matter.

The first will flow through the App Stores (and be available via the Web) this week. The second via our next release - estimated to be in a fortnight.

Apologies for the inconvenience.- we are working hard to help people have obviously also been working hard. Thanks for your patience.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face: