That’s the whole question. Just curious about future plans.
At the moment we have a short taster course available in the new app - SaySomethingin - or - and we are hoping we’ll be able to develop that further.
We’re really hoping to be able to do quite a lot more Irish Gaelic this year, but it depends quite a lot on how well we do with gaining new subscribers in Q1
Dw i’n edrych ymlaen at ddysgu mwy o Wyddeleg (gobeithio)
I’m looking forward to learning more.
How can we help? I already speak Irish, but I would love to see a full version. How much ground do you actually cover, in terms of the European framework?
It’s not easy to measure, but we’re confident that our full courses are enough to get people to B2 (as long as they’re getting into conversations to activate what they’ve learnt).
It would be extremely helpful to have people proofreading what we start to produce - we might have some content partially ready for proofreading by March/April.