Idea for a new website - BreatheYourWelsh

Hey Rob, this is very interesting!

Having the site ready, easy to use and update is definitely a big step forward.
I think the main problem with previous attempts of similar projects was that website owners were not able to keep it updated in the long run. Here it’s very easy for users to contribute so hopefully this is here to stay. :wink:

My only doubt - but I’m not a first language English speaker - is that “review” is a bit confusing cause also means describing your own experience/opinion (like it often, sometime too often, happens around the web).
However I tried it, for a place I’ve been to and think likeliness to speak Welsh was higher than 75% and seems to have worked.

Maybe I can try and add a place later!

Well done!

Diolch Peter,

All your effort in collecting the initial data has not been wasted!

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Prynhawn da Gisella,

Diolch for your observations. I think you raise a valid point. The term ‘review’ was plucked out of thin air, perhaps ‘categorise’ might be more appropriate.

However, I think your point is actually a more fundamental one, and that is the ‘main’ language for the site is English. This was a conscious decision at the time, the thought process being that the site is for Welsh learners mainly, so a Welsh language version could be omitted in the interests in getting a proof of concept functioning. ( is still at the proof of concept stage). The problem I see with this decision is that it makes a false assumption that all Welsh learners are English speakers first. This may in fact be true, but it is an assumption that I would like to correct.

I will open an issue on GitHub for the case for implementing multi language translations. I will set the system up in such as way as to make it fairly simple to add other languages, and hopefully there will be some volunteers to translate the text into other languages!

The link refers to the issue.

Diolch eto am dy adborth!


Bore da pawb,

A quick update, the point raised by @gisella-albertini has now been rectified and the entire site has been translated into Welsh also.

The code is in place for the entire site to be translated into any language, its pretty much a drag and drop experience for the translator. So if anybody feels like spending an afternoon translating between English and any other language they know, I’d say ‘give it a go’. A template CSV file is provided which contains the English version and a space for the new language. Once that’s done the build system will pick up the new language and it will be available on the live version (after some automatic testing first).

P.S. I did the Welsh translation myself, so if anybody spots any mistakes please let me know!