'I want to be a Welsh speaker because...'

My grandmother was forbidden the chance to speak Welsh and I think it is important that I don’t let it happen to me.


because I want to be able to chat away in Welsh with my cycling friends. Also I don’t want them to have to speak in English in their own country because I can’t speak Welsh.
I’m also looking forward to being able to read more in Welsh too, to be able to appreciate the beauty of the language describing the countryside.


I want to be a Welsh speaker because it is the land of my birth, and I can then enjoy sharing with others through the native language


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I now live in Wales and want to respect the Welsh speaking community.


As part of the Week 10 tasks, I re-read my sentence after posting my practice sentence.

I still love this course a lot. We are saying things to each other in Welsh now at the house, little things when we can like “I did not understand what you said!” or “What did you say?” or “I would like water.”

It’s been a lot of fun. We just had our fourth and life is a little hectic schedule wise, but fortunately I can get my daily lessons in during the car ride taking my daughter to and from school.


I now live in North Wales and want to better understand the Welsh culture and local community.


Well done :blush:

*I want to be a Welsh speaker because I never had a chance in school in Pembs and I hope it will connect me better to Welsh culture


I want to be a Welsh-speaker, because my grandfather never got the chance to keep it (or, rather, was so heavily discouraged from using it that he just never did by the time he was an adult). I think about what many of his generation went through with their mother-tongue and I fume.

I hope that becoming fluent will help in the pushback against the old lie that yr iaith Cymraeg is dead.


I want to be a Welsh speaker because learning Welsh might provide me a better understanding of Welsh culture. Although I grew up in Sir Benfro Welsh was not taught in school.at that time.


I want to be a welsh speaker as its part of my heritage


I want to speak Welsh because my grandad was a Welsh miner but he never learnt to speak it


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I love the language and want to help keep it alive. It would strengthen the bond I feel with my Welsh ancestors.


I was born in Wales and learned welsh in school. Then i moved away for many years. At 70 years old i am back in north wales and being a Welsh speaker is definitely on my bucket list to do.

The daily “games” seem to have triggered my memory and i am beginning to remember some of the welsh that was lost over the years.

When i become fluent i will be able to chat with my sister in welsh amd watch pobol y cwm lol


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I’d like to connect with the people, culture and land of my hynafiaid. What will change? Learning the language will inspire me to plan a visit to Wales.


There are so many reasons why I want to learn Welsh. I first went to Wales on holiday aged 7, that’s 45 years ago and I fell in love with the scenery. I’ve been back there on holiday many many times since, finding more to fall in love with (history, music, people) and about 15 years ago decided that I wanted to live there but life/work/family etc meant that it is only now that I can finally realise my dream. Of course, I don’t have to learn Welsh to live in Wales, but I think it would be rude not to! Also, as a linguist (French, Spanish and Russian) I have found that you can learn a lot about a culture through its language, but I have also found that Welsh is the hardest language I’ve tried to learn so far!! But I’m up for the challenge! I’m hoping that when we move to Caernarfon later this month that I will be able to chat with my new neighbours in their own language.


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I want my children to grow up hearing Welsh being spoken at home and I find it embarrassing that I’m Welsh but can’t speak the language (and that my German is better than my Welsh!)


I’ve started to spend more time per week in a Welsh speaking community than in England and I want to help keep the Welsh language alive.
The best thing is that I can communicate with our friendly taxi man and I know he’s sooo proud of me!


Ohhh, why do I want to learn Welsh? Why don’t I though? Because I love learning a new language, because it lets me connect to my wife’s heritage a bit better (even while they don’t speak Welsh), because it’d be a shame if it died out so I’ll do my bit to keep it living.


I want to be a Welsh speaker because i want to experience the hùge sense of achievement i would feel for being brave enough to speak a new language, without pressures from others to do so.