Great to hear the book is out and that adds that bit more to Aussi-Welsh culture.
Let’s hope it is a positive contribution
It was a revelation to me! I never really thought about what the settlers were like. I grew up with notions of Aussies as macho men, all brilliant at sports, roughing it in the outback or riding wild surf in the seas. Now I realise that they/you are also descended from folk as fey as I am, tellers of tales and dreamers of dreams, and that both kinds come in both sexes… or, nowadays, should I say ‘all sexes’?
There’s about 9 of us (including the tutors) in the advanced class and about 7 or so (including tutor) in the beginners class, it’s run through U3A…I attend both since I’m intermediate and fall somewhere in the middle. I’m also happy they open up U3A to those of us who are far too young to retire yet I’m the youngster in the classes, but I don’t have any family down here in Oz, so I quite like being around them all, and of course I love being around other Welsh speakers and learners
For sgwrs there’s usually around 5-8 or so… Do you have a large group there in Melbourne?
I’m about halfway through the Kindle book, and I’m really enjoying it. Thanks!!
Thank you for enjoying my book!
We have around ten each week about 15 in total. People come and go. I know Jean Evans. Is she still coming to your classes? She had trouble with her eyes. I have also chatted with Guy on Skype.
@elizabeth_jane, do you know it almost happened. I had to look through the window twice while sitting on the bus reading your book to establish where I am. I’m not far into it and I’m already really enjoying it. If I tell you that there was fairly little amount of books I didn’t almost get into sleep due to my tiredness and your’s is among them, then you must know how good your book is! I might really travel one day all the way to Australia before realizing I had to get off the bus way long time ago … because I’ll be deep in your book reading it (sorry, I’m a slow reader though).
Slow! You are amazing! Reading books in multiple languages! Thanks heaps for your enthusiastic support! It means a lot to me.
Mmm the above is really directed to @tatjana who still manages to lack confidence and talk herself down while putting the rest of us to shame!
Thank you both - @elizabeth_j_corbett_ and @henddraig - but I am slow reader. It takes me more than the others to read one book and there are books which I’ve started to read several times but never finished them, like the book “Pod svobodnim soncem” (Under the free sun) (sadly it is not translated into English though).
I’ve finished Chapter 1 this morning and I’m so very much looking forwart to begin 2nd one.
I have just finished reading the Kindle version and I would like to say how much I enjoyed it. I thought it is a very realistic description of what it must have been like on board those ships. I somehow think there may be a sequel(?):
I’ve crept up to Chapter 17’s beginning! It’s too good to want it to end! I can’t remember how many chapters there are and have no idea how to check in Kindle onan ipad!
If I remember correctly there are 35 or 36 chapters.
Diolch yn fawr! Dw i’n hapus iawn - mwy na hanner i ddarllen!
I met Jean when I first arrived here in Hobart, but she isn’t coming to the classes any more, her eyesight is failing… and yeah Guy is one of the tutors …I’ve started your book, but I’m a slow reader and trying to fit it in to my time, but I’m enjoying it
Diolch Roger,
Yes, there is in fact a trilogy plotted out. However, I got to the end of writing the first book and didn’t think anyone would want to publish it. I thought it would be depressing writing the next book while receiving rejection letters (I did in fact get quite a few). So I started a separate project. But I will probably return to the trilogy afterwards. I can’t leave poor Bridie and her friends hanging in limbo. I know how their story ends.
Can I ask you to put your kind words on Amazon? Short comments from people who liked the book make a huge difference.
I’m sorry to hear that. Jean was/still is a remarkable person.
I’m sorry to hear that too, although I don’t know who Jean is but (from my experience) fading eyesight shouldn’t be limitation. There should be a way she could still continue to come and to learn. Hope she finds the way to do so.
Okay, at the risk of banging my drum too loud and often (it’ll be over soon folks, I promise).
My book launch is next Thursday 9 November at 7pm Melbourne time. We’re planning to do a Facebook Live feed of the event.
I realise that many of you will be working at that time. But Facebook Live videos stay on the page after the event is finished. And I’d love, love, love to see the feed fill with good wishes in Welsh.
Here is the address. If you like and follow my page, I’ll send you a reminder (or five).
My Facebook author page is:
You can always unlike me again afterwards.