Human beings to practice speaking Welsh with

Hello, my name is Brian. I’ve just completed level three, but as a loner with no current conversational experience. Had some courses decades ago. I would love to join a friendly conversation group, or find a conversation partner either online (perhaps preferable these days) or in person. I live on the North Shore of Greater Boston, MA. (The additional materials available via iPhone are great, but wow, does the speech move quickly.)

Shwmae, Brian

If you’re still signed up to the monthly subscription, then you can ask to join the SSIW Slack community, which has two or three zoom chats every weekday (for varying levels of fluency, from absolute beginner upwards.) I didn’t do this until I’d finished Level 3 either, and found the zoom chats invaluable, and challenging… I wished I started them right at the beginning…

BTW, there are several North American participants in the zoom chats.

If you contact @Deborah-SSi on this forum, I think she’ll be able to point you in the right direction.

One more thing: if you haven’t looked at the Old Course, it’s worth doing so, now that you’ve finished the New Course. It’s definitely worth doing after the New Course, because it acts as more detail revision for the material. I’ve found it really useful.



Asking individuals or small groups to use Zoom or Microsoft teams with you is a good way forward. If you are interested I could share my details

@brian-frykenberg as well as the advice above, you could join the Welsh Speaking Practice Slack group where there is a channel called #the-americas. It hasn’t been very active lately, but if you were to ask for a partner in there you’d have more chance of finding someone in your time zone. Would you like me to send you an invitation to join?

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dafydd,

Thank you very much for getting back to me—I’ve been wondering what to do, but was busy with the courses from week to week: I should have begun speaking right away, especially given various attempts to get going in the past. I will definitely look into the SSIW Slack community and contact @Deborah-SSi on the forum. Now that it’s been a few days, I see that Deborah has replied. Also, brynie: thank you very much to each. I would very much benefit from contact information.

I began with the Old Course, but did complete both the New and the Old in tandem, which is probably why it took me a while. There are great benefits to both courses, and I’m glad the Old Course hasn’t been discontinued.

Many thanks again!


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Thank you so much. That would be wonderful!

I will look for that slack group. Thank you so very much, Deborah!

Yes, an invitation to join would be wonderful. Thanks!

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I’ve sent an invitation to you now. Check your Spam if you don’t see it in your Inbox.

I have only vaguely heard of slack.

Could you please advertise it on a separate thread here for others?

Diolch yn ofnadwy

It’s in this thread here - Slack, Welsh Speaking Practice

Paid only website?

Anyone who wants to speak Welsh with others can join the Welsh Speaking Practice Slack group. You just need an invitation. Would you like me to send you one?

Yes, thanks (diolch!)

no, using the Slack WSP is free.

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Hello @brian-frykenberg
If you are looking to speak with some people and practise Welsh, why not join us at WestCoastWelsh? It is only 3 hours time difference and @christine-o-byrne and @davidhamilton run the sessions at 3pm PST on Mondays and Fridays, which I think is 6pm for you.

You can see the invites on Slack under American Chat on Slack. Do come and join us as long as you promise to make lots of mistakes and laugh together. Next meeting this Friday 17th 3pmPST.

Hwyl, Sue


You will be most welcome :smiley:

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Diolch yn fawr iawn, Sue!

Diolch yn fawr iawn, David!

Sorry @brian-frykenberg I’ve only just caught up with this, but you’re a member already so someone else must have done it for you.
Enjoy chatting with the others!