Slack / WSP (Welsh Speaking Practice)
Slack is an online communications platform and SSiW have a group on there called Welsh Speaking Practice (WSP). The group is open to anyone of any level.
The slack community is lively, fun, warm and welcoming. As well as being a place where learners can practice their Welsh with other learners and members of the SSiW team either via audio, or audio and video links, it also has all sorts of interesting online events going on, such as singing sessions, quizzes, question and answer sessions, noson lawen evenings and many more.
You can get slack here.
If you would like to become a member of the Slack WSP community, you need to be ‘invited’ to the group - to do this you simply send an email to with WSP in the title and you’ll be sent an invite.
Once you have Slack/WSP open on your device, down the left hand side, purple coloured navigation bar, you’ll see a list of headings/places you can go to called Channels. This is where you’ll find all the events and activities listed above.
In this thread @nia.llywelyn will be regularly posting updates on what’s happening next in WSP. So from now on, all future WSP events and activities will be advertised here - wach this space!