How to say I've got. Southern

I should know this but… How do I say
“I’ve got” in the south? I keep thinking I can say dw i’n but can’t remember now. :thinking:

mae (thing that you’ve got) 'da fi


I’ve been tending to say the slightly longer version:

Mae cath gyda fi (I’ve got a cat)

ond does dim ci gyda fi (but I haven’t got a dog).


Mae gŵr 'da ti @annmoore.
Mae ffrind 'da fe.

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Thank you Margaret. :slightly_smiling_face:

Diolch :slightly_smiling_face:

Diolch! :slightly_smiling_face:

Level 1 actually introduces it in a slightly different order - “Mae gyda fi gi” for example.

I tend to say “Mae ci gyda fi” or “Mae ci 'da fi” when it’s a short thing that you have, but the other order is useful if you’re going to say something like “I have a dog which was a rescue dog and only came to live with us last week”. Then it’s quite handy to get the “Mae gyda fi ci …” out of the way before you start on all the descriptive part.


Diolch Dee :smiley_cat:

I just remembered… Sorry but I was trying to say, 'I’ve got to go to bed because I am tired.
Or…I’ve got some change - meaning money for the car park.

How would that work then? Mae mynd i’r gwely 'da fi achos dw i wedi blino, doesn’t seem to work,
Mae arian 'da fi, or mae newid 'da fi, doesn’t work either

Aran wanted sentences starting with I’ve got…So I understand that the sentence structure is a different pattern but I am covered with confusion!

“I’ve got” and “I’ve got to” are two very different concepts, that’s why usually it is preferable to give a bit of context :slight_smile:
The southern forms you are likely to run into are
Mae eisiau i fi fynd i’r gwely or
Mae rhaid i fi fynd i’r gwely (for your example I’ve got to go to bed.)

Edit to add: on the other hand the gyda fi construction is spot on for sentences saying that you have or own something:
Mae arian parod gyda fi - I have (got) cash.


Yes, Hendrik is right that for “I’ve got to do something” you would use “Mae rhaid i fi …”

If you need to make a sentence with “I need to …” then it’s “Mae isie i fi” (spelt “eisiau” formally, but casually we usually write “isie” as that reflects the southern pronunciation)


Thank you very much.(and Dee too.) I think I understand now. One last question. You used the word parod. What exactly does it mean please? I’ve not heard it before.

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Mae ……gyda fi
Mae gen i ……

I have (got) a cold - mae anwyd arni I - which translates as I have a cold on me

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parod = ready

Yw ti’n barod i fynd? Are you ready to go?

arian parod = ready cash

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Parod means “ready”, so arian parod is literally “ready money”, and it’s just the welsh term for cash. You may sooner or later come across the word parod in its mutated form:

Mae’r bwyd yn barod. The food is ready.


Thank you.

Thank you, of course I understand barod but didn’t make the connection. Diolch

I’m so impressed with all this help on the forum. Thanks Margaret. How are you?


Wedi cael llawer o anturiaethau. Have had lots of adventures. Message me?

Adventure! Sounds interesting!
Is it possible to private message on this forum? Can’t see how on my phone. If not I will use Messenger.