How do you say "one" in this context?

I’d like to say. “I don’t have an alarm clock. I don’t need one because my children get up every day at 6.00”

How do you say “I don’t need one” in this sense? This is my try:

“Does dim cloc larwm 'da fi. Does dim rhaid i fi gael un achos mae fy mhlant i yn codi am chwech o’r gloch bob dydd”

I’m sure there’s a better way of saying it than that!


That works perfectly well. “Un” can be used in a non-number referral situation just as in English. Some uses of words are common between the two languages, although it’s good to check if it doesn’t seem to “fit” :slight_smile:


Sorry to be a pain and butting in. What about ones, eg these ones? Is it rheini?

Hi! Thanks for your help. Is it ok to omit “gael” and just say “Does dim rhaid i fi un”?
Diolch yn fawr eto!

Nope, you’re doing excellent with that… :slight_smile:

These - you’ll hear rheiny, rheina… :slight_smile:


Are these a contraction of y rhai hynny, y rhai yna etc?

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I would say not. The “have” (cael/gael) thing is too important to miss out, imo.
Although, I’d be happy to say “Does dim rhaid cael un” for “There’s no need to have one” for a generic situation…

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Yes they are.


Careful though, because cael doesn’t mean have except in the sense of get.

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My ‘uhhh, I guess so?’ has been overtaken by events. Er, I mean by @garethrking :slight_smile:


In some old books ive seen rhai written as yr hai and compared to yr hon and yr hwn. Is that where it stems from?

I’ve never seen any of those, so you’re one up on me there! :slight_smile:

So how about “was no need to get one”? As all the words I can think of mean get/acquire, rather than possess. Gen and gyda sound clunky ? How about cadw for keep?

Yes, I always internalise cael as “get hold of” and have forgotten that and it should have come out just now. Thanks Gareth! :slight_smile:


Yes, that’s good! :slight_smile:

Of course you could just say ‘There’s no need for one’, which would be:

Does dim angen un

or if you want to specify ‘me’, you could say

Does arna i ddim angen un

or indeed

Dw i ddim angen un

which latter may cause dizziness, vomiting and even minor strokes among certain of the language police, but is perfectly OK in the real world of natural authentic Welsh. :slight_smile:


To be honest, that’s the one I would go for, but I was going to keep quiet about it. :smile:


It’s perfectly OK, and everybody knows it!

(Except the language police). :confused:

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You ‘n’ me both, guv’nor…


Diolch yn fawr!!!

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