This has been on my mind for a while now.
In the last year, we’ve had two incidents that have ended up in banning.
In the seven years before that, we only had about 3.
I don’t think the forum is getting less welcoming - but I do wonder if we’re falling into a pattern of pottering along, with everyone getting along, until something goes wrong - and then needing to take action.
Maybe it’s inevitable…
But I wonder…
What would happen if we decided to stop saying ‘SSiW is a wonderful, welcoming community’ and start saying ‘We’re going to try and make SSiW a little more wonderful and a little more welcoming every single day’…
What would we need to do?
What ideas could we generate?
Shall we set our sights higher?..
What do you think?
How can we make this forum a little more wonderful and welcoming every day?
[I’m going to try and talk very little in this thread. I think this one is really up to the community - up to you… ]