Hello from South Africa

This happens… :sunny:

It’s a good sign! Means you’re pushing yourself hard enough.

Try not to let yourself get caught in the pause trap - if you know it’s not on the tip of your tongue, just carry on and listen carefully to what the answer was - the learning process continues even if you only get 1 or 2 ‘right’ in 10! So don’t beat yourself up about it - you’re not aiming for perfection…


Thanks Aran. I will keep on trucking. Had a good session this morning. Everything’s sticking today again.


Excellent! I love it when a plan comes together…:wink:

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Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, have been having IT issues!! My parents and younger sister went back in the mid 90s, but I haven’t yet. I know my husband would love to, and considering the comparative cost of a beer who am I to say no :wink:
Love the profile pic by the way, very good!

How’s the Welsh coming along? I haven’t done a lesson in a while, it’s been a bit chaotic here, but will fit one in on my walk to the train station this afternoon I think!

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Bore da friends

I hope everyone is doing well.

I’ve just finished challenge 12. Level one is going really smoothly so far and I’m having lots of fun blending what I’ve learned here with the knowledge I picked up in the first 10 lessons of the old course (I’ll finish the remaining lessons once I’ve completed the challenges).

This mornings challenge mention’s an online assessment option and explains where to locate this test. But I can’t seem to find it.
Going through the forum, I see that there are two versions of the website (and it looks like I’m viewing the old one). Could this be the reason why I can’t find the assessment link, or has this possibility been discontinued?

Have a great day.

Diolch yn fawr

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It seams Assesment is actually not in place yet because there it says “Comming soon” but anyway. The link is here for you to read all about it at least I hope you can access the page despite you’re having the old one.


Thanks @tatjana
I see that it is not ready yet but pre-booking are open. I’m keen to give this a go.

Have a great day :beers:

Pob lwc.

And a great day to you too.

I’m not sure what the status is with regards to the assessment stuff - I know there have been some changes in the staffing at Agored, with whom we were working on this - @iestyn might be able to give you more insight here…

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Just wanted to share a little story.
I was talking with a supplier yesterday about a project I’ve been working on.
She asked me how long I have been working with the client and I automatically answered “am biti mis nowr” without even realising it.

She looked at me funny “whaaaaat was that”.

I laughed and apologised. I spend so much time thinking yn gyraeg these days that it seems to be slipping out all over the place.

On another note, I’m happy to report that since being completely confused from challenge 13 last week, it’s all finally sunk in this morning after challenge 16 (98% with 2 pauses). I’m on another comfortable roll for the time being.

As Aran says, trusting the system and moving on has resulted in the content eventually sinking in and sticking. Though I did have to sit down last night with a pen and paper to figure out this bofi, boti, bod hi, fod e business. It’s all crystal clear today :blush:


Absolutely superb… I love stuff like that… :star: :star2:


I love that story!!! :sunny: :heart:


Hello Friends

Well, it is one month since my journey began and I have pretty much devoured level one (and most of course one).
I’m just as hooked now as when I created this post, actually I’ve become a bit obsessed and determined to become fluent in this beautiful language. Even though I have no immediate practical application for learning Welsh, I have set a few personal outcomes which I can look forward to:

  1. Bugging as many Welsh tourists as possible the next time there is an SA Rugby tour (I did meet 3 Welsh speakers during the FIFA world cup here in 2010, I hope they come back!)
  2. Making some friends right here on this forum and having regular Skype chats (I feel like I have made quite a few already).
  3. Having a beer with Aran and the team when they get Say Something in Zulu/ Afrikaans going :smile: I think it would really well here and I certainly will do my bit to shout your name from the rooftops.
  4. Planning a holiday to visit my family. Well, meet actually, I haven’t been "home since I was a baby (The trip will need to be strategically planned to co-inside with a boot camp) and you never know, I just might end up staying.

I’ll be subscribing this week (I can’t believe how much I have gained so far, for free and feel relieved to be making some sort of financial contribution to the team now). I’m looking forward trying Aran’s accelerated Welsh techniques when I start Level 2 (I’ll write an intro and keep you posted on the FB page @aran). I’m also really keen to get my ears onto these practice sessions.

Since this is a forum, I suppose I will end this update off with a question. In addition to Lleuwen Steffan, can anyone recommend some great Welsh music artists? I spend about 4 hours a day listening to Radio Cymru and there is some really good stuff out there (though I am only able to understand a sentence here and there and can never pick up who these artists are). I’m looking for some vibey rock/folk tunes. Besides enjoying the music, I guess an extra hour of Welsh a day, wouldn’t hurt either :wink: .

Thanks for everything everyone, chat soon and have a great day! :beers:


Peer in here. You might find some ideas Welsh Music

This sounds interesting … :slight_smile:

Ljubljana probably has some in Summer strading down the centre, but I never go there unless I really need it, so not many opportunity to bug Cymreig tourists in Slovenia though. :slight_smile: This for I’d say GO AHEAD and bug them as many as you can find. - hehe


You lucky one … :slight_smile: I wish thie plan of yours particularly comes true. Crossing fingers.

It looks like there were two “races” going on here, one is yours and one is that of @MarilynHames. Both of races exciting.

I’m a bit ashamed upon myself as I am learning already for more then 3 years and only now I came to the certain level when I can speak at least a bit, inventing quite some novelties (as I’ve heard) along the way … But I can bet I’m already behind you and many more who just started.

Dal ati @chris. Ti’n gwneud fe yn da iawn!

Oh, and … yes, good idea. Maybe I should set some goals ahead of me too, but I’m not sure they would be as high as yours are … Brave and determined man you are. :slight_smile:

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At the rate you’re going, there is no doubt at all about you achieving your goal… :star: :star2:

And I’m going to tag @robbruce for his input on ‘best places to start with Welsh music’… :sunny:

Looking forward to seeing how the accelerated stuff goes for you on FB, Chris! :sunny:

And thank you very, very much for your support - which really does make a huge difference.


Awesome Thanks!

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From what I have seen around these parts, you are streets ahead :smile:
Also take into account that you are learning a third language via a second language. Which I would compare to me attempting to learn how to speak Welsh from an Afrikaans base, I really do not think I would be able to do that! You have made an astronomical achievement. :open_mouth:


Yes. I should agree on this. I’ve (just for fun of it) tried to learn some Spanish through Cymraeg … ups, that was but hard. If the lessons wouldn’t actually ground from the same fundation I’d be lost … :slight_smile:

We shall meed at one crossroads, I’m sure. :slight_smile:

Diolch yn fawr iawn! :slight_smile:

That’s 'cos she’s a star! :star:

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Helo pawb.

Dwi’n hapus iawn dweud wrth iti heddiw, bo’ fi newydd cwpla gyda lefel un bore ma! Joies i fe yn fawr iawn ac Dwi wedi dysgu llawer mewn amser byr iawn.

Diolch i fi ffrindiau am i helpu fi. Alla i ddim aros dechrau lefel dau.

Siarad gyda ti yn fuan eto.

Oh a galla i siarad Cymraeg nawr! Yay. Amser mynd i ddechrau gwella fory.

Lechyd da ffrindiau, a diolch eto.

Pob hwyl :beers: