Yeah, yeah, and good things come to those who wait, and all that…
You goddit
Today I’ve been doing bynnag. Anybody want to ask anything about bynnag?
Yn Cymraeg o Esperanto? …beth bynnag…
We Volapükists call that Sperantapük, y’know. They don’t like it…
beth bynnag … < sulky teenager mode > “wo’ever!”
beth bynnag
Is it not “by the way”, then?
No Huw - that’s usually gyda llaw.
Yeah - ‘WO’-evvaaaaah!!’
I know there’s beth bynnag=whatever; pwy bynnag=whoever; and ble bynnag=wherever. What else?
Diolch Gareth. I’m glad I asked
I’m glad you did as well.
lle bynnag
sut bynnag
ffordd bynnag
pryd bynnag
pa mor…bynnag
and whatever you’re having yourself…
just came across - gan nad beth for whatever - (would anyone ever say gynna be’, only because it sounds a bit like be bynnag only jumbled up a bit)
Any chance thats where ta beth comes from?
GPC says - gan taw beth - gan ta’ beth - ta’ beth, I would never have guessed that link.
Ta beth is very common all over Wales.
tapini is a variant I hear a lot in Cwm Tawe and read a letter from the bard Gwenallt ( in a history book on the valley) using that years ago as well, but he put some apostrophes in there, but not sure where or why.
Ah, I did actually know pryd bynnag, but not the others. I shall investigate further tomorrow …I’m too tired at the moment to construct sentences with the ones I didn’t know
(The forum software is chiding me for talking you you too much! It apparently doesn’t know how cwl it is to have access to such an august grammar personage as yourself )