Graded reader recommendations

Can anyone recommend graded reader books for beginners? I’ve just completed SSiW Level 1 and started on Level 2. I have been slowly working my way through Olly Richards’ Short Stories in Welsh for Beginners; I’m enjoying it, but the range of vocabulary is so far beyond me at the moment that I’m having to check a lot of words to get any sense of what’s going on (when I understand the general advice when reading is not to check every word and just try to get a sense of the story).

I’m sure this question has been asked many times before so if anyone can point me at a thread containing responses that would be great too.



Here’s a few I found useful / interesting early on. Most of them have some vocab on the same page, which helps a lot:

  1. Stryd y Bont (Manon Steffan Ros) – short murder mystery.
  2. Yn Ei Gwsg (Bethan Gwanas) – short murder mystery
  3. Cŵm Grachod (Colin Jones) – school story with witches
  4. C’mon Reff! (Nigel Owens) – abridged version of Nigel Owen’s autobiography
  5. Bywyd Blodwen Jones (Bethan Gwanas) – the diary of a Welsh learner (think Bridget Jones’s Diary…)

To help you judge the level, this is the first page of Yn Ei Gwsg (screenshot from the book’s Amazon sample page: Cyfres Amdani: Yn ei Gwsg: Bethan Gwanas: 9781912261307: Books

Does that help?

Yeah as you can see the Amdani series are graded books.
Yellow / Mynediad. Entry.
Green / Sylvaen. Foundation.
Blue / Canolradd. Intermediate.
I really enjoyed all the Entry level books. Also E-ffrindau and Blodwen Jones trilogy.

That’s really useful - the text above is much closer to my current level. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply, it’s much appreciated.

You’re very welcome!

That’s great, thanks Alan. Knowing how the level system works is extremely helpful. I live in the Isle of Man so can’t just drop into my local bookshop!

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Glad to be off service. I generally get them second hand on amazon, World of books or Abebooks. Shop around for a bargain. The quality is usually pretty good. Until i get my hands on them lol.

There are also smaller, independent book shops that will post to Isle of Man (best to contact them first to check) - it might be a little more expensive than the ‘big names’, but it keeps our local Welsh book shops in business.

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Out of curiosity, has anyone published a guide that explain what is included in each level? I’d be interested in grading my book for learners.

Another option for you might be an ebook reader, as many (if not all) books in the Amdani series are available digitally. The best way to get these in my opinion is to go to, a webshop operated by the Book Council of Wales, because when you order there, you can choose any brick and mortar store to receive a share of the profit.
(This method works with any ebook reader capable of handling EPUB or PDF files, including Amazon’s kindle.)


Thanks Siaron - that was going to be my next question! Actually I’ve found a couple of independent booksellers this afternoon. Good tip too - living in the Isle of Man has many merits but ease of postal delivery is not one of them.

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That’s a great idea, will do. Thanks Hendrik!

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I don’t know of any, but perhaps it would be worth contacting the Books Council of Wales for advice.

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That’s a good idea, Siaron. Thanks!

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Does anyone read Lingo Newydd, in print or online?
I work for Golwg, the company producing the magazine.
It would be great to know what you think of it!

I used to. I do like the way that the contents are graded, but after a while I found that the topics covered got a bit repetitive, so I sort of lost the urge to read regularly. I was reading via the app, which I found to be a very poor user experience, so when my subscription lapsed, I never resubscribed.

I started subscribing around October last year. I mostly read the print version and, if I read it online, it tends to be on my laptop rather than my phone.
Like Suw, I like that the articles are graded and I’m pleasantly surprised to find that I can now attempt the crosswords.
To be honest, most of the articles are not the kind of thing I would read in English. It’s the same with books - the challenge of reading in Welsh is enough to hold my interest for now but, as I improve, I’ll be looking for subject matter that more closely matches my interests.
I think the magazine is pitched about right for new readers in Welsh and it does help that you can listen along to the articles as you read.

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Ooh yes, it is good to be able to listen and read. I’d forgotten about that bit!