Da iawn @brian-lewis! Do you have a red recording somewhere too? If you point me to it I can give you both your red and green badges
Hello Novem and thanks for the encouraging words. Regarding a ‘red recording’; what is that please?
Thanks Deborah. My apologies for the dumb questions. I confess to struggling quite a bit with the way the Forums function. Not sure if I got the set of sentences posted correctly or not. I tried scrolling to the bottom of the section/topic to which you pointed me in your response, but I gave that up and then found the reply option at the top of the section. So, I have posted a reply and hopefully that is all that is needed.
The reply is the link to the sentences that I recorded some time ago.
Here’s my question for the green badge
Gwych @karen-akinci, @brian-lewis, @doug-evens, @susan-w-lewin, @godfreylacks!
Hey @doug-evens - have you got your red badge recording somewhere as well? I’ll give you both your red and green badges once I hear it!
HI Novem. I did post my recording a second time. Can you confirm that you have reviewed it? Thanks.
Yup - you’ve got your green badge Da iawn!
Excellent, thanks.
https://ssi-cyhoeddus.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/recording/3220/6min_19_question.mp3 posted to @ novem. Hope the spelling is right please accept my apologies if not Diolch.
Diolch fwr.
So I’m asking about your drinking habits. I don’t think your response needs to be honest .
Hmm, it sounds like I say “neu dair” instead of “neu ddau”, but I can’t change the recording anymore.