Going GREEN - week 19 'QUESTION' recording **Red to Green badge** ❇ (Awarded Mondays)

Gwych, llongyfarchiadau @melgreen a @nathan-d :partying_face: :partying_face: :green_heart:

@nathan-d - Hey Nathan, do you have your red badge recording somewhere? If you post that and let me know here as well, I’ll give you both your red and green badges! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Da iawn @elizabeth-30, for both your green badge and your blue badge! :green_circle: :blue_heart: :partying_face: would you like to post your question to the blue badge thread as well so people there can see it? :slight_smile:

Llongyfarchiadau on your green badge @suzanna-jackson! :partying_face: :partying_face: :green_heart:

Going green, I hope ; - )

Da iawn @l-jay a @TheSplendidBean :green_heart: :green_heart: :partying_face:

Hopefully it works first time this time.

Llongyfarchiadau @daniel-newman, @trevor-foster, @moya-cawood, @chris-bee a @jadeashleyluke!

@moya-cawood - Great job on the green recording! Do you also have a red recording somewhere as well? I’ll be able to give you both the red badge and the green badge then :slight_smile:

Hi Have now posted the sentences for the red badge - so hopefully up to date now!

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Gwych @chris-prodger-mr ac @EmmaLM! :green_heart: :partying_face:

@chris-prodger-mr - Hey Chris, I can’t see your red recording anywhere… Would you mind posting it (or pointing me in the right direction if you’ve already done so)? I’ll give you both your badges then - just remind me here so I don’t forget! :slight_smile: