The '5 Min' Test- week 18 'SENTENCES' recording **Pink to Red badge** šŸ”“ (Awarded Mondays)

Shwmae Dwi ne wedi ge neud iā€™m sorry I have just recorded the sentences for week 11 which I did not do before as i was having difficulty navigating the forum nobodyā€™s fault just my working it out I hope that this is alright as I want to keep up with things correctly Diolch yn fwr.

Hello @peterluke60! Thatā€™s great! Are you able to find your recording and post it in here so that I and other people can listen to it? :slight_smile: To do that youā€™ll need to go to the plce you recorded your sentences, and there find a ā€œcopy linkā€ button - then you can come back and paste it in here.

Let us know if you have any trouble!

Gwych @godfreylacks ac @arielle-tye :partying_face: :red_circle: :red_circle: :heart:

Hi Iā€™ve copied link how do I then send it.

Nice! Just write another reply here and press Ctrl+V :slight_smile: (or right-click in the text field and choose ā€œPasteā€)

You might have to do the copying step again if too much time has passed!

Hi Iā€™ve copied the again + Not sure but here goes.

I attempted to post my pink to red sentences not sure if they loaded.

Iā€™ve been able to listen to them by copying and pasting the link into my browser (and they sound great, well done!), so donā€™t worry, @Novem will be able to sort your red badge out when he checks in on Monday.

Wohoo, da iawn @peterluke60, @brian-lewis a @susan-w-lewin :partying_face: :heart: :heart:

Feels like this was eons agoā€¦

Gwych, llongyfarchiadau @katherine-murray, @erich, @vincent-wibier :partying_face: :heart: :heart: :tada:

Da iawn @vincent-wibier - youā€™ve already got your badge! :slight_smile: