Fideos am Gemeg a Blog Personol

Your written Welsh is really amazing now Ashley! I must try and find more time to write.

And Iceland (and Norway, and Sweden, and … ) is definitely on my list of places I want to go. I’m going through an itchy feet patch at the moment - booked myself onto a Polyglot’s Conference in Berlin next May :smile:

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That sounds exciting: I’ve seen some video from last years conference with, Richard Simcott and Luca Lamperiello and they say some great stuff on language learning…
Edit: pottering around a polyglot site I’ve just found Richard speaking some Esperanto, Dee…Gîs revido!

Thanks Dee. I’m trying to read as much Welsh as I have time to at the moment and that is helping with my writing a lot. That Polyglot conference sounds really interesting, will you have time to look around Berlin when you are there?

@dinas Dankon Kim! I’m really looking forward to lots of Esperanto conversations when I’m there. There will be a big Esperanto congress in Lille in August too, the 100th International Esperanto Congress, so if I can really stretch my funds I’d like to get to that one as well.
My plan now is to allocate a different language to each evening of the week and get stuck into some serious revising in time for Berlin. I can’t wait!!

@abrew44820 I really hope so. I haven’t been to Berlin before, plus I have a longtime penfriend that lives not too far from Berlin and I’ve never met her. I would really like to include that in the trip. Why do I have to work?? Can’t I just get paid to travel about and learn more languages? :smile:

Once we’ve figured out how to sell Spanish lessons…:wink:

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I’ll just travel about across the world and promote them - how about that? :wink:

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Sounds like a good plan :sunny:

Do you mind bread and water for the first year?..:wink:

Hmm, I knew there would be drawback.

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Here are five new quick definition videos. I can’t believe it had been about 7 months since the last quick definition videos! I’ll probably do a couple more next week. I was in Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth early this week demonstrating infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and told the teachers about the channel. They seemed really interested and I’m hoping they’ll get more A-level students watching it.

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