Exact meaning

Hi can anyone tell me in what the general meaning of the word Coblyn,Goblyn Choblyn means, in the book Deud Eich Deud,there are a number of examples eg “Coblyn o gur” “Hell of a headache”," Goblyn o ddim byd yna" “Bugger all there”,“Pwy goblyn ydy hwnnw” “Who on earth is that”, and in the paper today a headline “Hen grwydryn a choblyn o gymer”. Old tramp takes ???.is it one of those words that has multi meanings,other than the obvious of a Goblin. :

Hi David,

In my Geiradur Cymraeg Cyfoes, “coblyn o” is listed as an intensifier, just like in your examples, but literally, it has the obvious meaning you mentioned.

A bit like in English, I guess - there is a difference in meaning between bugger and bugger all :slight_smile:

what Louise said! also, “Hen grwydryn a choblyn o gymer” = an old tramp and a heck of a character.
However, coblyn is also the Welsh word for goblin. In the S4C comedy sketch series Dim Byd, there was a sketch called ‘Lle goblyn’, which can mean ‘where on earth’, but in the sketch’s case it was like ‘where’s wally’ with someone dressed as a goblin, so it played on both meanings.

Does it get used in Harri Potter, I wonder? I’ve got the book but not got that far yet …

Siaron James: In the S4C comedy sketch series Dim Byd, there was a sketch called ‘Lle goblyn’, which can mean ‘where on earth’, but in the sketch’s case it was like ‘where’s wally’ with someone dressed as a goblin

Ha ha, I’m chortling to myself just thinking of “lle goblyn”! The sign of a good sketch show is when you still temember things months afterwards and laugh about them.

Thanks Siaron, Louis,I see coblyn can mean a variety of meanings, depending on the sentance in which it is used.

Mike, chapter 5, page 56 any good?

Louis: Mike, chapter 5, page 56 any good?

Da iawn Louis. Diolch. :slight_smile:

“Ia coblyn ydi o,”" meddai Hagrid yn dawel wrth iddyn nhw gerdded i fyny grisiau cerrig gwyn tuag ato. …"