Dydd Santes Dwynwen January 25th

Noswaith dda bawb!

Tomorrow, January the 25th we celebrate the Welsh Patron Saint of Love. It’s our own, unique, Welsh version of St Valentines Day.

Many people in Wales will celebrate all things romantic on January the 25th rather than February the 14th.

You can learn all about it here -

It would be wonderful if you could join us in celebrating Dydd Santes Dwynwen by contributing to this thread. Do you have a favourite Welsh love song or poem? Have you ever written a love poem in Welsh? Who is the love of your life and how did you meet them? Do you have a secret crush on a Welsh celebrity? What would be your perfect Welsh romantic date?

Let’s fill the day with love tomorrow! :heart: :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Tom and I went out for a fancy brunch this morning to celebrate (as I’ll be at work all day tomorrow). We always celebrate Dydd Santes Dwynwen instead of Valentines, from a completely unromantic point of view it’s easier and cheaper to book a table and have a nice meal in January instead of Feb 14th!

As I don’t think there’s a card shop here that will sell Welsh cards I made my own:


Wow, clever card! You are very talented! :slight_smile:

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Diolch :slight_smile: I saw something similar online, probably Pinterest, and then it was just a matter of tracing and a craft knife!


Dw i’n tipyn bach fickle son am selebs…ond…

this young lady used to gladden the old eyes more than somewhat before she left RaR:

Sioned Wyn, aka “Kim”, pwy oedd yn gweithio yn “Tŷ Pizza” efo Barry…:slight_smile:

(son am “Brief Encounter”…)

In real life, the first object of my teenage pash was a girl with a very Welsh name (first name and last name), although without a Welsh accent that I could detect. Never got as far as meeting the parents, so I don’t know if they had one or spoke Welsh! :slight_smile: We had met at a judo club, and she had no trouble at all throwing me over…

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Here … my humble, not even too good but from the heart contribution to Dydd Santes Dwynwen.

Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus i bawb!

(I hope you’ll be able to read this, if not, here’s the clear text:

Dau chalon
Un cariad
Unigryw ac braf
Un plentyn neu mwy
O bydd caru yn cael ei eni
Mae teulu bach byddan nhw yn dyfod.
Mae popeth oherwydd un brawddeg bach …

Dwi’n dy garu di!


We had a Santes Dwynwen’s evening in y Saith Seren on Monday night and were asked to write a poem to read out. I managed to write two, this is the first one I wrote and the amazing @CatrinLliarJones and @aran helped me to iron out the wrinkles grammatically. So here goes.


Dydy o ddim yn gyd-ddigwyddiad bod gwraig a draig yn odli
Ond tydy fy ngwraig ddim yn ddraig fel y ddraig sy’n bodoli.

Er gwaetha weithiau mae’n waith anodd chwarae teg
Ond mae gymharu fy nghariad â draig yn anheg.

Mae ambell wraig fel draig siwr bo’chi’n cytuno
Dwi’n sylwi’r gwýr sy’n edrych wedi blino.

Dwi’n eu gweld nhw yn crwydro wedi mwydro yn y stryd
Yn trio peidio brwydro neu ffrwydro o hyd.

Pa fath o fywyd ydy o i fyw mewn poen
Trio byw efo rhywun sy’n mynd dan y croen.

Mae fy ngwraig yn well o bell ffordd na’r mwyafrif
Oherwydd y daith hirfaith ers cyn dechrau’r canrif.

Yn ychwaneg i’r holl eiriau yma gen i
Fedrwn i ddim goroesi yn y byd 'ma hebddi.

Mae hi’n prydferth, llawn o angerdd a dwi’n ei addoli
Dwi’n sôn am fy ngwraig a draig dwi’n sylweddoli.

Mae fy ngwraig yn ddraig fel y ddraig goch o Gymru
Does na’m osgoi y ffaith bo’fi yn ei charu.


siampiwn! Mi welwn ni chdi a’r Talwrn cin bo hir! :smile: :+1:

(wel, clywn ni, efallai…)

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Oh, boy … I should hide myself. My poor atempt looks like a poor prose …

Did you read yours out @gruntius? This’d be great to hear in deed. … :slight_smile:

Da iawn ti!

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Well, it’s been a few days now since Dydd Santes Dwynwen but I still haven’t a clue who sent me an e-card. I’ve never had a card from an unknown person before so it’s very intriguing, but nice so I’m just enjoying it. And if it was anyone reading this - diolch yn fawr :blush:


Oh gosh, this thread is so old by now. But I thought I’d revive it anyway as I’d completely forgotten to post anything about Dydd Santes Dwynwen this year - sorry!

So for anyone new to Welsh culture and curious as to how we celebrate love in Wales, then read through this thread to find out a little more… :heart:

We missed it this year, but in 2021 if a lot of Welsh celebrities start receiving anonymous cards from other countries…your fault! :wink: :laughing:

Ach, not more scandal! :rofl:

Well you obviously do not realise that the traditional day for Dydd Santes Dwynwen was and still is the 13th of July so if you missed this one in January you can still do it in July 2020 or do it twice if you had remembered January 25th. There is no excuse for Welsh people really is there!:smile:

My contribution

A thank-you card to the lovely person who explained me why one of the episodes of Rownd a Rownd this week was full of hearts, balloons and parties :grinning:

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