The Welsh Government is keen to promote random acts of Welsh kindness with “Do the little things” as Dewi Sant used to say. We’ve received this information which might give you some inspiration in preparationg for Dydd Gŵyl Dewi!
O’n bro i’r byd – helpwch ni i droi’r byd yn Gymreig ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi.
Pethau Bychain - Dathliad hwyliog o Gymru ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Neges gan Dewi – o Gymru i’r byd.
Mae’r Pethau Bychain yn:
Hawdd i’w gwneud, ac yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr
Dathlu ein pobl a’n traddodiadau
Ac, yn fwy na dim, mae’n gwneud diwrnod rhywun ychydig yn well
Random Acts of Welshness is a hwyl-filled social media celebration of our nation, that showcases the good things we do – for each other, for our communities and for our world.
What makes an act of Welshness?
It’s a little thing that’s easy to do
It celebrates our people or traditions
And, above all else, it makes someone’s day, or the world, just that little bit better
Plis cysylltwch i archebu pecyn, gyda: Enw, Cyfeiriad a’r Iaith (Cymraeg, Saesneg neu Japaneaidd) erbyn 12 Chwefror (i bostio tramor) neu 14 Chwefror (Cymru/DU). We have new ‘Random Acts’ playing cards available for events or to create your own content.
To order a pack, please get in touch with a Name, Address and Language choice (Welsh, English, Japanese) by 12 February (to post internationally) or 14 February (for Wales/UK).
Cofiwch i rannu gyda’ch partneriaid a’ch rhwydweithiau – yng Nghymru a ledled y byd - cyn Dydd Gŵyl Dewi, gan annog nhw i gymryd rhan.
Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Please share with your partners and networks - in Wales and around the world - in advance of St David’s Day and encourage them to take part.