Downloadable Welsh television programs?

Are there any downloadable Welsh television programs available for those of us in the States? I would really love it if I could find some. I do own just one Welsh-language movie, Hedd Wynn, of course, and I like to listen to it without reading the subtitles. It’s always such a rush when I understand some bit of dialogue. So, if you know of a link where I can find some Welsh TV to download, please let me know.

There’s a YouTube user here who has uploaded a lot of S4C content old and new, and of course there is Hwb TV.

Shwmae Cynthia.

At the moment, the only downloadable Welsh TV programme available (that I know of) is a bilingual one - Hinterland (Y Gwyll) Episode 1 is available on BBC iPlayer (aired on BBC Four Sunday night). Whether or not you can download it in the States is another matter. Otherwise, we can stream Welsh programmes from S4C Clic, but I don’t think you can download (you can’t on iPad anyway!) and again, using Clic in the States I’m not really sure.
There are SSiWers who do watch Welsh programmes in the States, but are restricted to only certain programmes. Diane (Tahl) may know more on this…

A lot of the stuff people upload to YouTube is without subtitles, which is worth knowing if you’re at the early stages of learning.

Just FYI, Gav - most of the stuff on S4C cannot be streamed (or downloaded) here in the States. >sigh< That’s what makes the Hwb TV YouTube channel so valuable for us!

There was a thread on this about 3 weeks ago on the old forum, called Watching Welsh TV Overseas. I’ll try and add a link but if it doesn’t work perhaps someone more computer literate can link it.

TunnelBear. Easy to install and use, with a free GB of bandwith if you tweet your request to them

Only drawback is that a free account comes with a 500MB bandwith limit, but you can either request a free GB each month or sign up for a paid account. You can get unlimited bandwith for as little as $4.99/month.

Also note that, according to support, TunnelBear must be the only VPN solution installed on your computer, but it works fine for me with the VPN from work installed on my computer.

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Supposedly, from August of this year (according to reports previously in the press), we will be able to access S4C output via the BBC’s iPlayer.

So, those who can currently watch (and in a limited way download) BBC output via iPlayer (including those who do so via “alternative” means), will from then be able to do the same for S4C output, via iPlayer.

So far, so good: now add the free program “get_iplayer” to the mix…and you should (in the future) be able to download S4C programs without them expiring on you.
I use get_iplayer mostly for radio programmes, since I’m a radio type of person, but I have successfully used it for some BBC TV output.

Note that get_iplayer does not, of itself, overcome any cross-border limitations (and I live in the UK, so no problem for me getting BBC or S4C via the internet). To overcome those limitations, you’d still have to use the appropriate “alternative” routes.

The youtube channel that Jon Thomas mentioned now says -
has been terminated because we have received multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants, including:
Green Bay Media Ltd


I hate this mentality sometimes. I have to say I watch a lot of TV from various European countries and none present the problems that British TV does. They make it uniquely difficult to access content, so this doesn’t surprise me.

I’m also in the US and dealing with trying to find Welsh language entertainment to support my learning.
Today I found Y Mabinogi posted on YouTube

This is a 2003 combo live action and animated film in which 3 friends find an entry to the Otherworld and live through stories in the Mabinogi. It’s almost all Welsh with a tiny bit of English (almost none.)
English subtitles.
Also, I tried to find a legal copy for sale unsuccessfully. But I did find someone who I’m guessing ripped a DVD of it. You just need to search for it, if you are inclined.
Pob hwyl!